But Tristan is a driving god, I was watching his onboard videos and that spin on the straight whilst half a minute in the lead which wrecked his car, that was just amazing driving

*ducks the filthy look*
The thing about driving safely isn't not making mistakes, it's about not having an accident when you or a car around you does make a mistake. It's something only experience and attitude teaches.
Anyway regarding the stereo, unless you are looking to spend mega bucks does it really matter? Just pop down a local shop tell them what you need and what you have to spend and walk out holding a shiney new stereo. You can achieve the same effect for less cash at the local pub too, although this route isn't recommended for legal reasons.
I don't quite understand the logic off discussing and debating everything online before doing it. A stereo is what i'd deem a trivial purchase unless you are one of those people who like to convert the rear seats into a subwoofer, like, if you where choosing to fill up your car with petrol would you post here and ask what brand to chose? And before we get to it, yes there is a difference in quality between HP baked beans and supermarket own brands...