lack of responsibility? lolwut.

also yeah, immature
the smarter thing would have been to give her some space, not nag and nag like a clingy 13 year old.
so for the past month she has been not talking to me....i was done and trying to figure out what was on her mind....
Should have given her the same treatment and ignored her after the first, "k".

Even better, dump her. She is dumb.
Quote from DevilDare :Should have given her the same treatment and ignored her after the first, "k".

Even better, dump her. She is dumb.

Agreed. Seriously, it felt like the genders were switched here, was weird. If a chick is just ignoring you, do the same thing back. If she then starts talking (even if it is complaining to you) then she might actually care, if not, you say bye.

The reason Klutch talks about immaturity in the conversation is well, because that's what it is. She's being immature by just acting foolish constantly, while logi you are by keep going onnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn about it.

Also I rage if a chick says "k" to me like that. It's like my remote detonator.
Quote from PMD9409 :
Also I rage if a chick says "k" to me like that. It's like my remote detonator.

Yah, that's the turning point. It's when I stop trying to be nice and just go "You know what? Your sister ****s better than you."
so...can you post her nude now?
Quote from logitekg25 :me and gf broke up, she thought i was cheating on her about 2 weeks ago after about 3 days without responding to anything i say to her....finally get a response and get a bitchy "why dont you hang out with one of your girl friends" text

a few days after that she lets me know its because my facebook wall is cluttered with "girls saying how they love hanging out with you, how they miss you, love you, and sometimes even have pictures"

(this is after more than 4 months going out, should be more trust there....should be less of a surprise if she let me know what was going on at all....)

a bit of explaining later, this is what follows:

4 months? Trust? Really? Is that a long time to you?

Man I hate kids.
Quote from MAGGOT :4 months? Trust? Really? Is that a long time to you?

Man I hate kids.

I know some people for 95% of my life, and they still don't trust me. And I still think they are the problem, not me.
Quote from MAGGOT :4 months? Trust? Really? Is that a long time to you?

Man I hate kids.

Reality check
That is actually the longest time I've heard a teenage couple last together so far
Quote from Klutch :^you're both as immature and retarded as each other

I watched my girlfriend make out(amongst other things) with a 17yo chick last night. had 5 friends over, snorting oxycontin, did cold water extract codeine, and was doing nitrous and drinking goon+vodka.

I love my life.

This is you soon:
Since when are ricers allowed to judge other humans? crawl back to ur fart can please.
Lol, ok Uncle Sam
Quote from Senninha25 :Reality check
That is actually the longest time I've heard a teenage couple last together so far

Really? I know plenty that are still together from high school... one of my best friends is getting married to the girl he started dating in freshman year of high school. I can think of several other couples from my class that are still going strong too.

I met my girlfriend in high school and was good friends with her from freshman year, even if I didn't start dating her until the very end of it. Still together, years later, despite being long distance for a lot of it
Sorry for OT
My wife she will kill me if she finds out, so dont tell anyone...

Been together since oktober 1992, got two kids and she still lets me keep my raceframe
Attached images
Congrats, have fun with it
Quote from Tumz(DK) :Sorry for OT
My wife she will kill me if she finds out, so dont tell anyone...

Been together since oktober 1992, got two kids and she still lets me keep my raceframe

Congrats! I won't tell your wife.
Quote from MAGGOT :4 months? Trust? Really? Is that a long time to you?

Man I hate kids.

ok lets break it down, i dont think you get how poor her trust for me actually was....4 almost 5 months....she took one look at my facebook and diddnt believe a word i said about it.

4 months is pretty good for a high-school fling, something that i intended to not last that long...why get into a serious relationship before college? have your fun, when you start fading from eachother break up...nobody said this was the girl i planned on marrying..

trust should be at a higher level than looking at the posts on my wall on facebook, none of which i responded to with more then an "yeah haha".

no that is not a long time to me, even a high school relationship can last a loooooooong time as long as you actually try to not be an ass. i put up with her friend making her mad at me 3 times, each she did not make a small deal. its not that hard to keep a relationship if you can step back and accept fault/accept that it should be dropped.
Quote from logitekg25 : its not that hard to keep a relationship if you can step back and accept fault/accept that it should be dropped.

Girls were programmed never to concede they might be wrong. Ever. So drop it and move on. Girls are good for having a bit of fun, if you're looking for a relationship you'll need a woman (and by that I mean someone you can have sex with and still fart in front of and they won't care).
believe me i know, but you do have to point out their wrong-thinkings sometimes to maintain the dominance :hide:
I always love it when we're having an argument, I tell her something, she says it's not true and afterwards she says: okay, you might of been right this time.

Yeah... This time... Again
Quote from logitekg25 :to maintain the dominance :hide:

Yeah, you did that very well coming across like a whiney kid...

First rejection!

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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