I need a new skin for my drift club im starting
I'm to makeing a drift club called nismo. And as of now, we have no skin. Im hopeing someone can help us solve this problem and make us a great skin for the club. If its not to much to ask for, i'd like two colored skins. One red/blk or blk/red, and the other u can pick any color you like. Any tries will be appreciated and i thank you for looking at my post.
yeah thanks looks cool bro but i might want a couple decals if possible
send logos so i can add them.. what else you want in it?
hmmm this is fine thanks bro
sure thanks. I'd like it for the FZ5 and thats it o i need a pass for you photo album
um, i'll just get a pro skiner if possible to make the club skin. Thanks for your help though it was a good skin, just not exactly what im looking for