#1 - DjIaX
Need help with Xrt and Rb4 Drift team skin
Hi, me and my buddy started a drift Team called {247} for 24/7 simpley..

i have made a simple skin in paint, but just for temporary use, i was hoping someone could help me making this skin nicer, using photoshop or somthing? and make it for rb4 too.

well here is what it looks like for now, (feel free to add moore color and styles..)

Picture of car:
http://i55.photobucket.com/alb ... 48/timmie123/247skin1.jpg

http://i55.photobucket.com/alb ... timmie123/XRT_247_tim.jpg

Need it to bee so i can add names simple in paint to the members..

thanks in advance

im not a good skinner but whatever you do, no matter how bad you are i would advise you not to use paint. Some poeple can make good works of art from it but its poor quality.
If u dont want to buy photoshop download GIMP (goodle - GIMP)
And skin away.
I use PS3 buy i only make good skins for me or good friends.
#3 - DjIaX
Yeah, i just gave it a shot, with photoshop CS 3, but i have a LONG way to go to understand how to make skins in it.

when i try adding things, they end up looking like they were made in paint anyway. so yeah, i'm trying..

but would be nice to get a skin made, from my "prototype" skin..

that ended up nice and not like i was standing in the rain painting it.