Girl racers are cool , wish my wife also played LFS , would have prevented alot of fights . But I had a bad experience with one a S2 Full server (I presume it was a girl seeing she had a girl name , with pink text and a pink car ) . She thought I took her out on purpose in t2 at blackwood and then started wrecking the next few races we did , waiting for me in t1 for and taking me out etc illepall . But yeah girl racers are cool , but not if they have a short temper
i surely know one...
she calles her maja and is in the german racing team dSk...
i know her, because see drove some races in my UF1/R Fun-Championship.
so i've heard her on Teamspeak, saw her driving etc...
there's no doubt!
maja is a she
i also know that she's the wife of Chuck (also in the dSk racing team)...
I know exactly what you mean though - everyone needs a hobby of some sort separate from their 'other halves', otherwise we'd go mad. That's why I reckon the divorce rate is so high, as most people's hobbies are watching the crap on TV, so they get no time apart.
ever seen a pic of sharon? :]
uhuhuuuuuhhh *yummy*
dunno if she wants me to post one, though (ok, I admit that I have lost it... well at least my mainboard is still not fixed, so I can't access the files on my hdds...)
was watching tania in demo the other night, very fast very smooth got a couple of recordings to study and her set up, very twitchy no wonder she drives smooth, and with a mouse as well, says shes going to buy a wheel soon
yeah Tristan maybe ur right about that. - even in a healthy relationship its
important to have some "solotime", but sharing the same interests gives u
at least SOMETHING to talk about instead of watching crap tv.
well, girls in LFS are the same like in any other game or in real ife. They are simply female humans. No uberhot chicks, not only blonde, just normal girls like we meet in real life every day
And they exist on teh intarweb
the escape mag has published a nice article about this, funny read
Have you ever thought about the fact that girls may not want everyone to know that they are girls? Why? Because almost EVERYONE will ask them for their weight, size, hair color, phone number, etc. - and if they can upload a picture... Not everyone whats to upload his picture and make it public - visible to anyone.
Just think about being logged in in a girls stuff forum, and girls begin to post all usernames of (a minority of all) members who are male... you would feel like crap I guess (even more when they add your photo there )
When you meet a nice girl on a party for the first time, you will likely not ask her for nude pics and her phone number... lol
Yea so true, but Im sure it depends on what kind of forum we are talking about. If it's some forum that is only for girls, and some boys in there who get "leaked out" fill find themselves posted with photo on the mainpage.. well this would suck bigtime I guess
But luckily Im not interested in those kind of girls forums, just not my world I guess
Actually I dont really use any other than LFS and games forums