Logitech Momo Racing Force Accelerate & Brake axis problems
Hi all, i just received my Logitech Momo Racing Wheel and it wont work in LFS S2, Basically the steering works, all the buttons work, but the accelerater & brake are on the same axis, if i go to controls then STEERING WHEEL then go to the AXES settings i only have a few axis bars, i have the ones listed below:

Axis = Steering
Slider 0 = I dont know help
Slider 1 = I dont know
Y Axis = Accelerator & Brake, both on one axis.. i cant set accelerator and brake on one axis
RZ Axis = No Idea

Please help me, i have received it after 115 euro, its a major let down and feels like a waste of money on Live For Speed.

It works in other games GT Legends for instance, but i have to change the accel and brake pedal to a axis called S0- and S0+

Can i add Axis to LFS ?.. PLEASE PLEASE help me... this is doing my head in illepall

Got mine a few weeks ago. Go into the profiler - click the box "report pedals as seperate axis"
Reboot then go to LFS and under controls and find "Use seperate axis for brake and throttle" - select yes, then go to the axis settings, you should see the seperate axis ready to be set to the commands.
still wont work these are the steps i took.
  1. Opened the Logitech Profiler
  2. Went to profile, clicked my live for speed profile.
  3. Went to Edit, Specific Game Settings, Checked " Use Special Force Feedback Device Settings ", settings all 100% , Checked "Enable Centering Spring ", set it to 100%
  4. Checked " Use Special Steering Wheel Settings " and unchecked " Report Combined Pedals "
Then i reboot my computer, Loaded up LFS, Went to Controls, Wheel , Axis , Set Throttle/Brake Pedals to Seperate and i didnt get any serperate axis for it.. So i followed the steps accuratly i think, and still no luck

I gtg to bed in 15 mins for work so i would appreciate a quick reply so i can sleep with ease.

OK yes the steps you took should work. I found it didn't work for me first time so maybe another reboot might help? Otherwise thats all I did, so it should work the same for you.
#5 - Gunn
You don't need to use a profile. Once you have enabled seperate pedals in the logitech controller settings (in control panel, for example), then you need to enable seperate pedals in LFS. Rebooting should not be required.

I recommend re-asigning all axes in-game and recalibrating.

Make sure your pedals are plugged in fully to your wheel unit.
Oh yer I didn't see it was in the LFS profile. It should be under the "general device options". I dun't know, I found it didn't work first time :s
#7 - Gunn
Did you re-assign the axis for each function? Throttle/brake, steer left.....etc?

I encountered the same problem with a logitch wheel (although not the momo one). The solution I found was as follows:

1) select 'options' from the opening page of LFS
2) select 'controls'
3) click on the 'combined' option adjacent to the 'Throttle/brake axes' choice
4) that then lets you map both pedals to the 'y-axis', which seems to work.

I hope that helps....
wow this is rediculous, Logitech really messed alot up lately, i have tried all the above but i am very tired so i mite have done them wrong, i will try again tommorow, i would appreciate anyone posting here, the more i have to try, the more chance i have, thx..

I had loads of problems getting this to work. Getting the latest drivers from Logitec helped get the option working in Control Panel if I remember correctly. Also I dont use the Profiler any more as that helped too.

You'll get it working the in the end, I'm sure!
Quote from MarkR1 :Hi,

I encountered the same problem with a logitch wheel (although not the momo one). The solution I found was as follows:

1) select 'options' from the opening page of LFS
2) select 'controls'
3) click on the 'combined' option adjacent to the 'Throttle/brake axes' choice
4) that then lets you map both pedals to the 'y-axis', which seems to work.

I hope that helps....

No because that's exactly what the OP doesn't want to do, use combined pedals. It's better when you can use seperate pedals. Hence the need for 'Throttle/brake axes' = 'seperate'
I think you have the profiler configured correctly. I've attached a screenshot highlighting what you should be set at in the control options. Also when you get it configured, you have to invert both axis for throttle and brake when using a Momo Driving Force. Hope this helps.
Attached images
#13 - Gunn
Yes, use seperated pedals not combined.

I use the Momo wheel and have no problems getting the pedals to detect as seperate.

If you are using the new Logitech software make sure it is still running in the background while you play. My controller will not function properly unless the new software is running. Stupid yes, but that's Logitech for you.
Hey, thanks for the reply's heres whats going on,

I am currently in work so not near my wheel however when i do get home i will try all the very helpfull tips above, much appreciated.

However in " mrodgers " screenshot he has his Accelerator & Brake on seperate axis noticed as " Slider 0 & Slider 1 " something like this, if you look at his screenshot my Accelerator and Brake is on the " Y Axis ", but i have the setting he has, i have all the axis that you have, but the pedals are picking up combined on " Y Axis ", any words of wisdom to maybe spark a thought ?..

I appreciate the quick reply's and the dedication in the topic. please feel free to post back thanks,

also can someone please foward a link to the new driver please, i went to the logitech website and into the wheels section but it just has the Wingman Profiler download etc, a link to the patch would be much appreciated, also the wheel seems very heavy on the turn.. any way to losen it up ?

Stupid question, but are you loading LFS from within the profiler or a shortcut on the desktop/start menu? If you are loading from a shortcut on desktop/start menu, it won't use the profiler settings but will use the settings in the windows control panel gaming options. This is fine if you don't want to map the buttons to stuff you can't in the LFS options, but you would have to set the windows gaming options to not use combined pedals. The profiler overrides the windows settings only if you load LFS from within the profiler.

And, http://www.logitech.com/index. ... ,CRID=1788,contentid=6203
for the Logitech Profiler ver. 4.60.