^ Yay. Someone who actually gets the point I am trying to make
This is the last I will say on this.. I can almost hear the relief from the crowd. I hope it actually highlights the point I am trying to make because I do actually understand math.
Right... here we go.
1) The world is NOT in base 10
2) Humans currently have decided on base 10 to describe the world.
It is analogue vs digital if you will, as such 1/n where n is base -1 will ALWAYS presents a "problem".
Maths is just a tool we use to describe the around us. It is NOT perfect but full of compromises that are used to improve the usefulness of the said tool.
Let me give some examples.
Infitesimal numbers might as well be 0. Cool, yet pi has infitesimal precision and the more digits employed in the calculation the "more correct" your result. pi is not 3.14 but for many calculations that is all that is required.
It is all about the precision required for the task at hand, no more.
We accept the 0.0(0)1 from Becky maths has 0 "significance" because it allows our base 10 number system to have a “consistency” which allows it to be a better "tool" for our needs. Does not mean it is right, just a compromise.
There is actually NO 1, 2, 3 etc. They are all just markers on a line that represent a "mass" for want of a better word (thanks Becky) that we have attached a value to. Trouble is that line does not actually have markers, it is analogue. We see fit to divide it into factors of 10 between markers we have called 1,2,3... because that allows us to have a frame of reference.
When we changes from imperial to metric we also changed all the sizes of nuts and bolts etc. did 3/8" cease to be a valid size of bolt because it did not fix perfect into mm? Did 1/1000" cease to be a valid tolerance? No it is just those markers were in the "wrong" location for our new system so we discarded them.
"John, pass me that 9.525mm socket will you". Do the math
Accept, embrace and acknowledge the compromises we employ in the name of base 10 maths and it becomes a more powerful tool! Try and hide behind 0.9~ is 1 because 0.0(0)1 is so small we will call it 0 and sooner or later it will bite
If you try and travel millions of light years that infitesimal might become the difference between landing or smashing into a sun. It is all just about the precision required for the task at hand, no more.
As means of a sidetrack..... There is a Savant that quoted pi to 80000dp calculated in realtime. There were teams of people checking off his numbers as he spouted them out at machine gun speed stopping only for drinks etc. He only stopped at the 80000th dp as the point was proved, that took long enough and their books of pi didnt go much further anyway.
Luckily the Savant is HSA so is able to communicate in semi mormal terms unlike many Savants. He “sees” numbers as shapes and patterns, nothing else. I remember him saying 9 appears as a big shape. To test this they presented him with simple maths where the size of each number was opposite to how his brain worked and it caused a “number” blindness that made it very difficult for him to “see” the solutions.
Base 10 numbers are not “real”, real numbers they are a continuous stream of values in infitesimal steps that DO not fit base 10. It is imperial vs metric, analogue vs digital!
Thats me done. Feel free for the “last word” and trash what I have said