I made a cogent argument only so that it could be called "unreasonable" by the likes of you, so stick to your argument fallacies and leave me out of it.

As far as methods go, Appie already wrote they have both solutions and differences worked out.
(traxxion) DELETED by traxxion : was meant to be a pm
Edit: was meant to be a pm
Thanks for the results admins. Does anyone have any stats of the race?
Quote from joshdifabio :Why exactly did you think that the time differences would be accounted for? The admins said that they would take the first part of the race into account and they did. I was very confident that the time differences would be ignored, and that's why I told the drivers of our GT2 car to take it easy after your disconnect.

We did everything we could to win. And we won. That's the end. We did the most distance, we were better. Easy.
Or perhaps can soembody pls upload the replay for the race just before it was redflagged please? It was done i a rather hurry up situation and i counldnt find the time to save it.
I can do so this evening if no one else does beforehand.
In my oppinion the decision admins made is the only correct one. If time differences from race one were added after the whole ordeal was over, nothing that took place on the track would reflect the results.
Imagine battling for position for the last 30 minutes of the race and making a pass on the last lap. But all of sudden a joker is pulled: "Sorry mate, we had -20s on you". In that case i can only imagine first gt2 making a quote on some other real life rule to 'proove' they won fair and square.

Taking rules from a specific racing series does nothing to proove admins decision wrong. For one none of this information was available to the admins at the time of the event. Secondly moe does not follow an official rule book, rules are made specifically for this league by admins. And like in this case, admins had to make a ruling. Very much like a jury in a Formula1 race. A quick decision has to be made during the race, the results are rarely changed afterwards.

Do you see a protest being made in ALMS when a safety car/red flag is issued and a team loses a gap close to one lap? Especially as in ALMS it doesn't really matter which one it is, the marshals take their sweet time
Congratulations Josh!
I am behaving the way I should. To keep our image to the outside world professional, and kind. Not the way we actually are.
Yeah, I thought I was probably stepping out on a limb with that statement.

Anyway, no enduro sports car series I know of does it that way.

Thanks for the correction!
Sorry to bring this up in this thread, but I would like to get your attention on this post http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=941144#post941144. The final results for the race are already out, and we still don´t have an answer to a question regarding qualifying. I know, that this won´t change nothing in the outcome of the race, but we would like to know why that lap was considered invalid, so we don´t make the same mistake in the future...
Talking about strict rules.
I think that could slip.
It’s really impossible to do that regularly… I don’t think that the same driver is capable doing that again within 100laps.
Touching the pole so slightly that it didn’t fall…

Anyway I don't think that this is really worth any trouble because qualify place, plays a nearly not existent role at the outcome of an endurance event.
#39 - need
Quote :To clarify how these poles are used in our decision making as admins:
1) If a team hits one of the poles during qualification, that lap will be void and removed from their fastest lap.

Rules are rules.
Although I must admit whoever was checking must have had sharp eyes to catch that one.
Letting the pole fall in order to apply that rule will not make it any less strict or accurate.

But anyway it's not worth the fuss.

In general It's nice to see that admins are so obsessed with the rules.
Can someone please post the replays of the 2 parts?
congratulations to the winners
Hello drivers,

After receiving an appeal from Team Inferno regarding their lapcount, we have conducted an investigation of the tracker and found a bug. This bug did indeed delete one of their laps--the lap completed before N I K I's disconnect at the beginning of the second part of the race. We have restored their lost lap and the results have changed accordingly. Team Inferno now has the correct total of 301 laps completed, rather than 300, putting them on the same lap as Infinity Skills and My3id Gaming. Since they finished ahead of both of those teams, Team Inferno is now scored in 7th place. Infinity Skills and My3id each move down one spot, to 8th and 9th, respectively.

The results and points standings have been updated in their respective OPs.

MoE Admin Team
Replays for both parts of the race have been added to the OP.
Thank you MoE admins for an amazing effort invested into this
pff, i'm obviously not paying DWB enough moneyz then...
Thanks for the investigation guys, glad we got that lap back!
All appeals have now been resolved and the results are final.

Thanks for your patience, everyone.