Nice landing.
Although X-Plane does have a few drawbacks, I'm loving it too.
Been playing around with the freeware G2XPL addon recently, and it's fantastic. If you don't know, it's a tileproxy type app, but because the land mapping is so much better in X-Plane than FSX it's just about as real as it gets., and i'm yet to find a runway that's misaligned with the google earth tiles.
I've also been playing around with a little program called TouchBuddy...yeah, i know

. But it's an absolute treat, i can even get it to work on an old Ipaq i had lying around. I've not yet finished my profile (kinda getting bogged down by VB6 programming issues) but i should reach a point where i won't need to use the keyboard at all.
I have to say i'm not overly impressed with the quality of the freeware aircraft, and i havn't really looked at the freeware scenery. But i did buy a little Piper Commanche from Heinz Dzuirowitz, and it's a beaut. One of the best planes i've ever flown in any sim, ever, and it's only a tenner.
All in all, i have to say there are some things FSX does so much better than X-Plane, but, the overall flying experience is light years behind that of X-Plane. It's just a real shame non of the airports have any buildings. It always seems a bit of an anti-climax when you land and there's not even so much as a hanger at some of the biggest airports in the world. Although the runway lighting is something else, utterly fantastic.
It gets a definate Tommy Two Thumbs from me