Poll : What kind of LFS player do you feel the most offensive?

Bump 'n Jumpers (like rallycross, CTRA Bump 'n Jump and more)
Watch out, he might take over the forum and ban you.
Quote from Forbin :A common misconception. If you have a WR, you know how to fracking drive, plain and simple. Most WR holders have the know-how to turn a WR set into a race set and be very competitive with it.

I concur. We had Hawku on for our hour race this week and he absolutely took apart racers that are regarded as pretty quick. He lapped the whole field of 20 in an hour of SO4.
Thats is kind of shocking and makes me wonder how much of real life some of these guys have left
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Thats is kind of shocking and makes me wonder how much of real life some of these guys have left

Some people are just fast out of the box, little practice needed.

Sometimes though, given enough praccy, us normal people can compete with them over a race distance. In my experience on combos I have a lot of laps on, the racing is the best you will find...very respectful and very close.
(aroX123) DELETED by aroX123
in general, administrators and moderators
Quote from Bean0 :Some people are just fast out of the box, little practice needed.

Sometimes though, given enough praccy, us normal people can compete with them over a race distance. In my experience on combos I have a lot of laps on, the racing is the best you will find...very respectful and very close.

Whel its kidn of unfair to crash a slightly slower guys like me of i just dont get why they cant wait for me to give them way
#82 - CSU1
i try to avoid duck, arrogant aussie qunt.
other than that, drag races who don't share their set (wtf!?), and cruisers who think cruising is teh pwn. sorta fun but i got banned off too many servers, mainly cos the cops couldn't catch me xD
anyhow, most WR holders are racers anyway.. rarely do you find people who hold *good* wr's, can't race. most of us anyway, just use hotlapping to practice qual sets or something for a race, that's why you see some combo's are very competitive, cos there's a league there, and some have like 10 or so people on the chart. JAWOHL!
#84 - CSU1
Wow! [DUcK] was like behind of me in demo all the time about three years ago

How are you keeping sir?

Me hasnt raced in months&months
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Stop being ... either ignore people you don't agree with or shutup all together.

How is anybody supposed to learn anything with that kind of mind set?

That is called ignorance, hence the word "ignore".

anyway, threads like these should just be posted in the off topic part of the LFS forum.
#86 - CSU1

Just on a footnote for this thread Tim,

The poll title imply's the touching up of people

is just the way it reads to me

all-in-all a mare
Almost 1 and a half minute behind me, you noob.
#89 - wien
Don't some of you guys have religions or political affiliations you can hate each other over instead of motoring preferences? You know, like normal people? "Which group of people do you hate the most in LFS?" Who the hell even asks a question like that?

How about you try to focus your minds on the positive things in life lest you become hateful and cynical bastards, much like myself?
you forgot "oval junkies"
Lol, it seems that everyone missed my point.

I'll try to explain more clearly.

Hotlapping, by comparison to racing is easy. It's only you and the track, you are running a very difficult setup to drive, because when you get it perfect, it's very fast.

However when you put that into a race enviroment they're approximatly 0.5-1second slower than their WR. Example - say a tracks WR is 1.40.72. The WR holder, when racing would be most likely running in the low 1.41's to mid, maybe a 1.40.9x.

There are people that only hotlap, and there are WR holders that race. I'm not saying that WR holders can't drive. That's not what I said, what I meant was that often in a racing situation there are fast racers who are quicker because they're more consistent and can contend with backmarkers, crashes, tyre wear, and other drivers around them.

Hopefully that's cleared some things up
The thing is, WR holders know exactly the maximum speed for each curve. They can perfectly go slower on purpose to save tyres. And if they can do the most difficult lines, that for them just happen once in 10 times, but for a normal racer, its much rare, they can surely do the easier, safer ones.

And since most of LFS comes down to practice, and some talent, (99% transpiration, 1% inspiration, to quote T.Edison) on that combo, they're the ones that practiced it the most.

If one hotlapper has a perfect setup for hotlapping, all the others try to have one too, so it comes down to skill again.
Most immature - drifters. I´m not saying all of them but there are some who bring down the reputation of all.
Weirdest - cruisers. I don´t really understand what the charm of cruising is but what ever floats your boat.

Most cocky - definitely racers. All of that "LFS is a serious RACING sim" and the drifters, cruisers, rallycrossers, etc should hide in their hole. Most of the annoying LFS fanboys seem to be racers as well. And let´s not forget Tristan. He´s a racer.
Quote from DratsaB :Where's the option for, "Guys who joined in April this year and create antagonistic threads 'cause their bored" option?

hahhahahhaha, love u! that's almost exactly what i would've said (bit more sarcasm and abuse though)
#95 - AMB
Quote from zeugnimod :Watch out, he might take over the forum and ban you.


Phlos is a legend, although he denies everything he has done when I ask him muahaha...
This thread is really going to help the community feel as one and not further seperate people into groups. I wholeheartedly support it's inclusion and continued varied and level headed discussion within the general discussion forum.

This thread is closed