im having this problem when im trying to change my xfg interior and i dk how to fix it.. i have the back up dds files so i could reset the originals just incase sumthing messed up.. but that wont fix this
Poor WTF is getting no help Reverting back any changes didn't fix it? If it worked before, and stopped working after a change, then that undoing the change should sort it out.
You could always extract a clean install to another folder and then copy your personalised files to it.
i was using patch Z textures.. and thats what happened and the rusty look is a skin nothign to do with the texture...... i even went back and put in the all the standard .dds files for all cars.. and it still that way
ok im trying it... i saved all my skin files to another locartion lol.. lost them b4
and all my skin now im just waiting on the download to finish