The online racing simulator
bump & jump
(26 posts, started )
bump & jump
it's been mentioned to sam about the possibility of having a "pro" bump& jump server-star and nat'l grade license only.
maybe if there's enough interest sam might try to squeeze it in his schedule?
anybody else interested?

don't really wanna get into the layout and car selection yet, just checking for interest.
I like the idea of a second "pro" B&J, but there aren't enough racers who like B&J to begin with.
i also agree but i guess i agree because i am national license
Theres only 64 total people that would be able to race on that server.

If you added blue roof it would be ~300 people.

Either way it seems like a waste of a server IMO.
Well atm the regular BNJ is full of noobs, and the racers who even have a tiny bit of skill are always being crashed out by these noobs.
Quote from fazza430 :Well atm the regular BNJ is full of noobs, and the racers who even have a tiny bit of skill are always being crashed out by these noobs.

Stick to it and teach the noobs. Then the higher license userbase will be sufficient to introduce a second restricted server
#7 - SamH
I looked at creating a 2nd tier for Bump and Jump some time ago but it's actually quite a major code rewrite because the Bump and Jump licence was not designed to be multi-tiered.

Fingers crossed I will be introducing some new combos to Bump and Jump today or tomorrow. I got some layouts sent to me that I think are great but I'm not sure they're robust enough to handle a full field of BnJ racers. If I could introduce a higher tier, they'd be included in that for sure.

Still looking at the Bump and Jump structure to see what can be done.
well thanks fer taking the time sam.
those of us that concentrate mostly on bnj have come to accept those that come and go, but too many have the mentality that it is RAM, not BUMP.
constantly reporting isn't in our nature, and we try to take care of it ourselves.
it is "serious" fun.
maybe the solution is to just choose when to race and when not.......
#9 - SamH
I'm not saying that tiered racing won't happen, I'm just pointing out that it's not as easy to introduce as with the other licences at the moment. I'm giving much thought to Bump and Jump at the moment, and to ways to make it more enjoyable for you regulars, and more appealing to new players too.
BNJ is full right now, cant even connect to the server. I think it is starting to become more popular now...
Thanks Sam for looking in to it.
Oh yeah sam i remember now its the topic i started agesss ago but i hardly ever go on b&j anymore because it is just full of total and utter n00000000bs!
(jamesc) DELETED by jamesc : fail
Quote from dan12s :Oh yeah sam i remember now its the topic i started agesss ago but i hardly ever go on b&j anymore because it is just full of total and utter n00000000bs!

Sometimes... There are moments its realy good.
Yeah there are but not alot any more, as its getting more popular theres alot more wreckers and cheaters coming into bump & jump
Just giving a little bump. I think this new server is really needed. BNJ is becoming a lot more popular and is filling up quite quickly now. Shame that some of those people don't know how to drive. I often find myself involved in "racing incident", like where the jumps cross over on Pit of Despair. There is nothing that you can do to avoid them. Then I get this guy abusing me saying it was my fault, realizing that he is just a White Roof. I used to be like that, but now that I have been playing BNJ for a while I realize that there is nothing you can do in a situation like that and I have learned to accept it. If there was a new BNJ server to become available and was Red Roof or higher, the level or racing would be much closer and intense, because everyone has had experience.
Nice server.
tried it today, but some people seem to get revenge of some "bumps" ...

anywayz it's a lot of fun, specially the mrt...
Attached files
wtf happened.mpr - 286.5 KB - 281 views
#17 - VoiD
The $rep-system is running on B&J too... There´s no need to post the replay here...
Quote from VoiD :The $rep-system is running on B&J too... There´s no need to post the replay here...

im not reporting anyone
Quote from SamH :I looked at creating a 2nd tier for Bump and Jump some time ago but it's actually quite a major code rewrite because the Bump and Jump licence was not designed to be multi-tiered.

Fingers crossed I will be introducing some new combos to Bump and Jump today or tomorrow. I got some layouts sent to me that I think are great but I'm not sure they're robust enough to handle a full field of BnJ racers. If I could introduce a higher tier, they'd be included in that for sure.

Still looking at the Bump and Jump structure to see what can be done.

the new combos are great Sam, thanks fer taking the time.
i've seen the server full at least ten times this past week.
i see one problem could be that the reporting system is prolly packed now
cheers mate.
#20 - SamH
I plan to add more combos as well. Let me know if you spot any problems or exploits with the new ones.
Quote from Toddshooter :Why not?

because i dont like to waste my time and in the end the report is declined and everything stays as it was...
hmmm, that almost never happens with my reports. Declined why?
I dunno, 1 report i did a while ago was from a guy that left the pits and parked in T1 while we, the leaders, were on the final lap. I couldnt move too much, since it was Fe GoldR, and didnt see the car and i crashed. The admins said the driver would be more careful next time.
Could you post the Report ID#?

bump & jump
(26 posts, started )