The online racing simulator
its great fun, i made it with an RB4.
I did as well, but you were kicking everyones ass on times G!NhO.

It is really good fun, but the only thing that ruins it the stupid barriers. The weirdest thing is that i find all other layout scenery that you can use in LFS is ok, its just those pain in the ass red and white ones :banghead:
then i came along and took 1st
Doesnt seem like the server is up and running ..
I was looking forward to this
It is running mate, as im on there!
the name is to be typed just like this

Offroad Trails Challenge

Away you go!!!!
Alot of fun in there!
Altough I suddenly D/C from the server and can't get in again :o

I will definetly spend hours here
Me and Weed has gone together and made a new team called Offroad Madness.
Why we made that is because we want to get together a couple of people and play and have fun and in the future hopefully more teams will come since it looks like the offroading is really popular

We are named: Offroad Madness
And the new server name is: <OM> OFFROAD Server

Now go get the mud and have fun!
I just wanna say im sorry for all the name changing. I promise this name <OM> OFFROAD Server stays. We got this great idea to start a team, which will join together people who like offroading, so we can spend some quality time together. If anyone realy like offroading and wanna join a team send me a pm, because we are looking for members who will be active on server and will help newbies with sets and tips. Sorry for my english.
Host not found. I really liked this as well, something different.
Ales only have the server on during the days so it's pretty much from 1pm to about 12am.
Same with me.

If anyone could post the original layout file (.lyt) that'd be good, fun for a bit of offline use.
And good for offline training
Server is up and runing. I turn it off during night time. But if there is people online i leave it on all night.
Quote from Minimaxman :Same with me.

If anyone could post the original layout file (.lyt) that'd be good, fun for a bit of offline use.

when online, presuming you have asked the makers permission of course, just press shift+U and then save layout in bottom right of screen.
I was only after it as I couldn't find the server online, but now I can so no need!
Not online
#43 - Guby
Er I don't think it's up right now either...Darn I wanted to try this.
Ales: You should have this up 24/7! Seems like people really want it
I would love too. But its not fun to host empty server. Btw server is up..
Server is now off.

BTW weed, this is what i have come up with so far for a skin.

If you don't like it, or have any ideas, let me know mate.
Attached images
om skin.jpg
Wow skin looks nice.Keep up the good work. Server is up. Im gonna try leave it up 24/7.
Anyone come offroading?
Will be on there later, I'm still workin on the skin.

Offroad Trails Challenge Server
(149 posts, started )