The OP certainly has a better grasp of English, but he doesn't really use it to any constructive end.

"To be bold, I must simply ask one to goto an Aleajecta server and see for themselves the power of this new system and its potential to increase the fun on the track for all LFS drivers. To try and simply explain, in my words would under-estimate it."

Clearly, the forum wants it to be simply explained.
(S14 DRIFT) DELETED by SamH : Spam/troll/pointless/unhelpful/contentious
I just ran a few laps.
Very complete and informative system. Good work guys.

Great ping too. Would like to see more servers running more than 5 laps - say 20 or 30 (never mind actual racers who don't need a shot of Ritalin to run them). And a FXO/RB4/XRT combo server that actually stuck around.

Good work. Large step for realtime stats and user control
Thx FuelFilter

Really depend on witch server you are , but WHEN you do a Shift-X to end a race a Track Voting system will start and again depend the server you are on , but a 20 or 30 laps i remember setup 1 or 2 race template on class A server .

Ho and FXO... is Class B for me! so you will find those combination on Class B server. i have 17 Server online , i can add more then you can imagine! but the real goal is not having 200 under aleajecta , but simple having many server around the world with that system.

A,B,C,D,E == Class of Driver according to they natural speed , X become the fastest this data come from ALL server you raced on.

Since 1 month i no more scan other server , i will surely start this again... since make driver able to go drive anywhere they wan and still they continue to be ranked.
As LFSW who receive all data from all online server.

One of my goal was to STICK with LFSW Mentality and NEVER write something that is already existing on LFSW.

Example i will never told a LOCAL PB, NEVER ... this is existing into LFSW so this is the only one valid for me.

I not trying to privatize Aleajecta as you see but "au contraire" trying just to make LFSW look event more RockAndRoll.

I remember my first time on LFSW ... such a incredible sensation ... See everyone gathered together like that from all the World + they gave access to that data! RockAndRoll

Since MyStatus is online(9days) we got 30 000 LFS Stats request this is GOOD for LFS comunity remember this bring money to LFS! So let go click haha
OBP 55 , im sure you still reading the forum! Please! get back! and write!

Thing will be better in the future! we have to be positive

Your great man! if you don't come back no one will know that from here
Greenseed, don't you have a friend who speaks english fluently? There is no need to ask someone who is on the other half of the globe to write descripton of your add-on, I think Especially when he is talking like woman.

Personaly I don't use such things, but I would like to know what you have done.

What means 'aleajecta'?
Is it common to live in Canda and use only french language?
pasibrzuch , you are so off men!


and OBP 55 after writing that post and reading forum a little as come to me and told me :

Surely told he talk like a women will help make him come back! so ****ing thx men!(sarcasm)

I created a post about forum atmosphere right after that.

I'm new here and i have heard this sentence so many time from good user!

So my last reply was to re invite him to talk on this forum! and you just screw all my effort! thx again(sarcasm).

On the other hand i ask you respectfully to never again answer to me!
If your smart guy you will do.

I was participating into community as a rOOT/Dev/Modo there with over 90 000 user total , more then here! all around the world! NEVER MY ENGLISH HAS BEEN SO CRITICATED ... really hope you start reading each other! you most of you answer to my post just to tell me that...

Quote from Greenseed :pasibrzuch , you are so off men!

Greenseed you probably don't know me, but Sam (OPB55) does. I say this to both of you, don't get so worked up about negative comments. Ignor them and concentrate on the positive ones.

Actually most of the posts in the thread aren't negative with only one or two actually being abit negative which might cause you to interperate some of the others as negative.

You will find that the vast majority will support any new project related to LFS, so seriously wasting time on trying to change the viewpoint of one or two on the otherside of the screen is not worth it. And anyway the best way to change someones point of view is by not responding in the same manner.

There will always be some that will criticise without cause - the best way to deal with it is to look at every critical comment with cold objectivity and ask yourself "Is there any truth in this which I can learn from?" If there isn't discard the criticisim from your mind forever, if there is some truth then take it onboard and seek to improve in that area.

@pasibrzuch - labeling people is very counterproductive. I've talked to Sam on TS many times and he is the politest person I know. And he certainly is a man!

Perhaps the reason Sam hasn't been able to clearly explain the application to all is that he isn't very confident with programming concepts, one thing for sure though is that his enthusiasm for the project is clearly eviedent, which will cause many to be interested enough to go and investigate further so he has been entirely successful there it's just that some will not want to make any more effort and will only show more interest if everything is spelled out for them
you are right, Glenn67.

I will apologized to pasibrzuch for my sarcasm! sorry.

Hope you accept those excuse!

maybe i don't know when it time to go away. i mean if i don't love the blue color why i continue to wear it.
Quote from Greenseed :maybe i don't know when it time to go away

One of lifes most difficult lessons is not to take things so personally

Don't waste your life on a pointless battlefield. It's good to have passion about life but for that passion to survive you need to develop a skin as thick and tough as a rihno while keeping an open heart.

I wish you every success in this project and look forward to future developments
Looks like some people need to realize that this is an internet forum. Not everyone is going to like everything you do.
Quote from zeugnimod :Looks like some people need to realize that this is an internet forum. Not everyone is going to like everything you do.

Internet is serious buisness
Actually I heard about some kind of bad atmosphere on fourms, I tried to write a nice post...

There wasn't any tiny bit of offence, smart ass etc. in my intentions.

I didn't called OPB55 a woman THAT serious. It was funny a little to me that he wrote so much without many informations included, nothing more.

My english isn't so good, and the way you write Greenseed is really weird for me. That's why I asked for someone who can describe your project in simple words.

Maybe I don't match my words close enough to my thoughts, it was not my intention to attack or laugh at anyone. Personally I don't feel offended by Greenseed or Glenn and I don't see any flame war against Greenseed in this topic. No need to apologize me, really, just calm down
Looks great. Really nice system there.

Just wanted to report a small bug.
I was on Aleajecta D, in game I typed !menu and then pressed shift-i to remove information, then it said "IS_BTN - invalid dimensions"

Really neat stuff mate.

Edit: ohh right, it started doing that message alot when I was using shift-i so you probably already know about it.
That's crazy. You're too pro for me.

The rules page is a real laugh.
well i checked it out and i like it tbh

it got more features than other systems like lfslapper etc
and almost everything is customizable

and no annoying pitboard popup things

keep up the good work