The online racing simulator
Text Message Button - how to create?
Hello Programmers,

Im working on a Open Source scoring&ranking system and needs help with code for Text Button (a button wich is the same as if i press "T" in Ingame)

Ive tryed every combinations from codes but nothing is the right one.

My Setups:

Language: C#
Database: txt (soon sql)
Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Version SP1
Libary: LFS_External


For example wich button i want to create i addet a picture.

I will be very happy if someone can help me and the players will be happy to if they get a open source Ranking&Scoring system

Regarts Grinch
Attached images
Forum Request.JPG
struct IS_BTN // BuTtoN - button header - followed by 0 to 240 characters
byte Size; // 12 + TEXT_SIZE (a multiple of 4)
byte Type; // ISP_BTN
byte ReqI; // non-zero (returned in IS_BTC and IS_BTT packets)
byte UCID; // connection to display the button (0 = local / 255 = all)

byte ClickID; // button ID (0 to 239)
byte Inst; // some extra flags - see below
byte BStyle; // button style flags - see below
[B]byte TypeIn; // max chars to type in - see below
byte L; // left : 0 - 200
byte T; // top : 0 - 200
byte W; // width : 0 - 200
byte H; // height : 0 - 200

// char Text[TEXT_SIZE]; // 0 to 240 characters of text

If the TypeIn byte is set, then it sends a ISP_BTT back when user types in something
Thanks for the fast reply

But it wont refresh the old button


[First Name] I type in Grinch and press OK... but after that it stands [First Name] and not [Grinch]

Better said: How to update button?

In BTC or BTT?
So please help me... im confused and dont know how to send the typed in text to the button.
When you recieve a BTT, send back a BTN(same clickid as the orginal) with the new text recieved with the BTT
THX helped me alot with these little prob what i got :P THANKS