Well hope you go happy with the momo, i have one too, really good wheel (never tested a G25 or DFP btw), but is very good

, dont take care of the people that says "its a mid-performance wheel", when you got it, it will be very hard that you turn off the PC

For the pedals and DXtweak2, well if you are carefull with they, i think they will last for ever, same with the wheel and FFB, just take care of they, remember that an IRL car is made of metal, the momo is plastic (btw is a hard plastic) but as normal plastic stuff do, if you use it very hard, it will break, just take care of it, clean it every day, dont use a very hard FFB (in the profiler set it in 104%, but in LFS in 35%, i use it like that and never noticied any issue) and dont turn it very fast, especially when Drifting, and it will be with you all the time you want

PD: and yes, with the FBM, if you are using manual shifting, you will need to cut the gas a little to shift, same for downshift.
Adolfo Herrera.