The online racing simulator
losing connection
hi guys. i am having connection problems today on CTRA all of a sudden. Im am racing with no lag and all of a sudden i lose conection. this happen 6 or 7 times and i started noticing the purple lines on the bottom left hand side of the screen. one line just gets longer and longer and then turns pink, then i lag and lose connection. my internet connection however remains stabel?
Is this at the end of the race? (turn off race results in $prefs) or during races?
that was a problem when i firest started racing CTRA servers and Sam turned results and all that off. Todays problem is just random, within the first 3 or so laps.
I've had a similar problem with drop outs etc. when everything else internet related seems to be fine. I have found rebooting my router has solved it on most occasions.

If you have a router give it a go next time it happens. I know you said that your internet connection stays stable but it is worth a go.