The online racing simulator
i made a layout called TwinDrift 6.
after this layout i go made some Driftchamp layouts.
i hope you like the layout.
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Attached files
AU1_TwinDrift 6.lyt - 3.7 KB - 782 views
Nices layouts, can I run use a MRT5
New Layout.
hi everyone.
I have made a DriftComp layout.
tell me what i think about it.
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AU1_DriftCompLyt_1.lyt - 4 KB - 656 views
Looks damn nice!
Quote from Dhunky :Looks damn nice!

yes thx and it drives nice to.
but its only for S2 users sry.
very nice
2nd DriftCompLyt I made.
Have fun with it.
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AU1_DriftCompLyt_2.lyt - 3.8 KB - 631 views
Hi guys
I made the reverse version of Irwindale speedway
so have fun with it.
Attached images
D1 Irwindale 1.jpg
D1 Irwindale 2.jpg
D1 Irwindale 3.jpg
D1 Irwindale 4.jpg
Attached files
AU1_D1 Irwindale 07.lyt - 3.7 KB - 803 views
Are you some kind of production company,who just designs layouts and sells them for free? I can't wait to get my S2 to try them!
Quote from hp999 :are you some kind of production company,who just designs layouts and sells them for free?:d i can't wait to get my s2 to try them!

where do i put them? do i need a liscense? how do i save them (like skins you have to save ---_example)
You'll need a lisence to be able to use layouts yes
For lisenced users you put the layout in LFS/data/layout folder.
Danny, have you seen the new Ken Block Gymkhana movie, would you mind having a go at making a layout based on that?
Hey BD i have another request for you

the track is called goodwood i would like it to be made for MRT cuz in real life it's a go-kart track

Attached images
goodwood 2.jpg
Quote from blakehoo88 :Hey BD i have another request for you

the track is called goodwood i would like it to be made for MRT cuz in real life it's a go-kart track


hi thx for your request
i dont have time now so ill start next week.


I see what i can do, also next week
Layout request by blakehoo88
Quote from blakehoo88 :Hey BD i have another request for you

the track is called goodwood i would like it to be made for MRT cuz in real life it's a go-kart track


i made this track fast.
i have increased the scale a littlebit.
u can switch from Long to Short to remove some cones.
have fun with it.
Attached images
Goodwood Karting 1.jpg
Goodwood Karting 2.jpg
Goodwood Karting 3.jpg
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AU1_GoodWood Karting.lyt - 4 KB - 495 views
hi i changed the bales on the Goodwood track in Tires
it looks and drive much nicer.

could u post vid or pics of the track??

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Goodwood Karting 4.jpg
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AU1_GoodWood KartingV2.lyt - 3.9 KB - 390 views
Here is the vid, i am surprised you haven't seen it yet.
But i just want a track wich has some of these "obstacles" or whatever you call them, just show me what you can do with your skills.

oh and btrw it has to be driveble with a 570hp 4WD xfr.

AU1 or BL3, maybe BL3 is cooler because you have more objects and you can go over the fence with the ramp.
thank you another great piece of work
Quote from blakehoo88 :thank you another great piece of work

Thank you for a positive reply


Its FXR not XFR
XFR, tweak.
Quote from G!NhO :XFR, tweak.

ohhhhhhhhhhh ok
i have seen the vid a couple times. i draw all the actions he did.
so ill start next week with building the layout
Ken Block Gymkhana 2 lyt
hi everyone
this is my first try to make a Gymkhana layout of Ken Block.
i made nearly all the actions in the layout what he did in the video.
i never made a gymkhana layout before.
i hope u like it.

-Slaom changed after the 2nd checkpoints( its wider)
-i have add some marshalls and routecheckers on the end of the layout so that they cant cheat with the checkpoints and finishline.

Final Update:
-Each tire on the corners is replaced by a Post
-Paintball section in the movie: Tire is replaced by a marshall
-Last Section with Tire is changed ( Watch out: Direction around the cone is changed)

Thx To G!hNO for these updates

download this lyt without routecheckers on the end
Attached images
KenBlock Gymkhana1.jpg
KenBlock Gymkhana2.jpg
KenBlock Gymkhana3.jpg
KenBlock Gymkhana4.jpg
KenBlock Gymkhana5.jpg
KenBlock Gymkhana6.jpg
Attached files
AU1_[BD]_Ken Block 2 Gymkhana.lyt - 3.3 KB - 887 views
AU1_[BD]_Ken Block 2 Gymkhana2.lyt - 3.7 KB - 773 views
AU1_[BD]_Ken Block 2 Gymkhana3.lyt - 3.8 KB - 885 views

Bass-Driver's layout thread:
(258 posts, started )