Post your Car!
(15536 posts, closed, started )
just to contribute to the hate and love conversation...
IMO G!NhO's car might look nice-ish, but practically its completely useless.
showcar? yes.
daily driver with use? hell no.
completely useless at that.

btw my car is a crappy mondeo with a clutch thats about to die...and some other issues (but it still drives...never let me down)
lack of mondeo, but not this one...right now.
Its so far away from being a showcar, have you driven my car? No. It is great for a daily, no problems at all...
Okay, i have to give a Ginhionino a credit(and boost his ego even more) for making a disturbingly ugly car into a somewhat bearable car.
so ur telling my that an average speedbump at 30 kmh aint a problem at all?
or how about parking on a sidewalk?
Meh, just a few more lower control arms and sump's to replace

Just ordered myself a Sparco fire extinguisher system, just for my safety in case i get to awsome.

does that get directly into the engine bay?
are these road legal?
questions over questions

i thought about putting an extingiusher in my car, but the small ones barely put out a cigarette...
his drift car is hardly road-legal anyway, so that isnt really a concern : P
my old car, 1996 ford escort LX 1.9L (my first car) engine died in it, so got a 2006 impala ss 5.3L now!
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Quote from [RCG]Boosted :so ur telling my that an average speedbump at 30 kmh aint a problem at all?
or how about parking on a sidewalk?

Hoe does that make it useless at everyday use, i use it everyday to work where is one speedbump which i can take at 50kmh. And why would i park on a sidewalk where there are people walking past it, i always find a spot and there are plenty of em.

You are just listing unpractical things to begin with
Quote from G!NhO :Hoe does that make it useless at everyday use, i use it everyday to work where is one speedbump which i can take at 50kmh. And why would i park on a sidewalk where there are people walking past it, i always find a spot and there are plenty of em.

You are just listing unpractical things to begin with

No he does not, there are a lot more than one speedbumps over here in my city and most of them would make a mark on your car pretty easily, if a speedpump can be taken in 50km/h then it's not really a speedpump, isn't it.
But if it suits for your style, go with it, but as for my driving habit's (since i seem to be driving a lot more daily than you) your car would be pretty useless.
He will never admit his car is useless anyway. Surely we believe that high speedbumps and curbs does not exist in Holland. Please.
I think the Jetta is going downhill. It looked much nicer when Ginho bought it. . Sorry.
Quote from Fuse5 :his drift car is hardly road-legal anyway, so that isnt really a concern : P

i know that bit
but he might know anyway.
was just i said, was thinking about such stuff too, but dont think its road legal here.
Cars like that Jetta made me leave the tuning scene mostly.

They only think low is the way forward, the wheels cost more than the car and they all think they "built" the most amazing ride. They're really annoying to drive behind and don't tell me to overtake cause that's not always possible.

Every tuning show you visit all you see is VW's with Audi or Porsche wheels, but they're almost all VW's. Why? Because second hand they're dirt cheap so kiddies can buy them, they spend the rest of their savings on wheels and lowering the car and that's that.

I even prefered the time when kiddies would just take the car they got from their parents, usual a Saxo, 205, Fiesta,... And actual tried to make the car look nicer. They didn't always look nicer, but at least they did it themselves and put a little effort in it.

On the subject of how a car drives, even though I have a less than 2 year old car in the garage, I now often take my girlfriend's Pug 106 1.0 for short distances, just because it's fun to drive. You don't need big expensive cars for a nice drive.
my car is low-ish, exhaust scrapes on decent sized speedbumps.

woulnt have it any other way
Quote from -NightFly- :there are a lot more than one speedbumps over here in my city

But he's not in your city is he?

Seems like a lot of people are getting pretty wound up over this Jetta, it's really not that offensive
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :does that get directly into the engine bay?
are these road legal?
questions over questions

i thought about putting an extingiusher in my car, but the small ones barely put out a cigarette...

Yep, engine bay and at driver. 4 nozzles included

I don't thinks that's road legal no :P

To be honest, putting a hand extinguisher in your car is pretty useless. If it even works, its out in like a few seconds.... Sadly
Quote from pb32000 :Seems like a lot of people are getting pretty wound up over this Jetta, it's really not that offensive

what is offensive is that he thinks anyone cares to hear him comment on every single other car that it "needz moar lowz"
I do that to annoy some people.
the thing is you dont you just make yourself look like a complete twat (as if your car wouldnt already acomplish that but i guess driving something horrid its obligatory with the mindset, lack of good sense and general retardation)
It apparently does work
nope and using that smilie in every single post wont make you look any more like youre the clever one here either
Quote from sgt.flippy :
I even prefered the time when kiddies would just take the car they got from their parents, usual a Saxo, 205, Fiesta,... And actual tried to make the car look nicer. They didn't always look nicer, but at least they did it themselves and put a little effort in it.

Yeah, Ginho is definitely someone who could grab a tool and remove a nut, or something. He can put on stickers nicely though.
So wrong
Got a proper car but I've not moved on really as you can see my Saab still in the background there :|
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Post your Car!
(15536 posts, closed, started )