Well, bummer, but it was kinda foreseeable with the amount of problems that appeared in the test patches. Glad you cleared up the situation as soon as it became apparent instead of trying for the best till Christmas and then disappointing everyone on the last day.
On the positive side, I very
very much like what I hear regarding the VWS setup. This might finally become the first car that can be driven "as intended" instead of exploiting certain physics shortcomings. Considering how the car will most likely not be the most challenging to drive, it ought to provide great, close races!
Maybe there's a possibility to concentrate on the crash/graphics issues now and release 0.6A around Christmas without the Scirocco, followed with a quick 0.6B including the Scirocco in "early" 2009. The test patch content alone is already a nice upgrade, especially considering the drastic change that ABS will bring for some cars. At least I think this would be the overall better solution, because experience tells me the "early" 2009 could end up not being as early as many people would understand it using non-programmer speech