Online status remains in dedihost's host file after shutdown

As I shutdown my dedihost, with the /exit command, the host file still have status set to Online... Which make the LFS Server PHP script report the wrong status of the host... Must be a bug, qué??
but if u close the dedi with /exit, the host file should be deleted...

but i found another bug or issue, that should be fixed.
if i change the password with /pass= the password doesn't appear in the hostfile...
so, on changing the passwort the hostfile should be created again...

it seems that the hostfile only is written on changing track, car or if people connect/disconnet....
Yeah, sry, you're right here of course! It's when closing the app by closing the window (X button) the host file remains... Which may lead to the advice to start the app by a bat file that deletes the file afterwards, regardless of how one halts the app... On the other hand this will cause yet another window to open on my desktop when starting the app, and that I really do not need ...