Appeal for mercy
Hi Doof!
Hi CTRA Administration!
After having spend a lot of time considering my CTRA conduction
I am willing to find some words
for Your consideration (in a language
which is not my mother tonque...)
To put it down here: I want to race
on the CTRA again and I´m willing to
show my regret of former missconducts.
My arguments are the following:
First I have to say, that I was one of
the first of my kind (Z30) to discover
CTRA racing and also to step the system of rules behind it.
Unfortunately it took me quiet a while
to understand how strictly these rules
are expressed. I was not aware of the
consequences on these servers for a
Later I told my teammates that it was
cool to race on CTRA servers, but it took them quiet a while to take on...
For my behalf, as I have stated on other occations, its odd to have a
system of peaching on other players
was totaly new for me, as it is not common where I live, so I had to get
used to it. (For example: Here, if someone cheats on a school exam, to
peach on him is worse than the cheat
itself. We dont do this here. If you go
further south this gets stronger. Lets
think of Italy and the "omertá" of the
Of course, now I am willing to accept,
that servers from GB follow a more
Black&white principle, like common in
a puritanic society, where prostitution
for example isnt allowed.
The axis of the evil does also exist in
katholic trended countries, but here
we referre to it as something that litteraly cuts through every single person. Evil is part of everybody, just
a lucifer is a fallen angel after all.
Back to terms of LFS: After such a long term in the hell of other servers
then the CTRA I feel a bit burned from
the acid, which also seems to have found its way into me and has burned
out all these catholic indulgence mentality out of my mind, like the
rubber of a burning tyre and only left
the bald head on top of my brain, which now has cooled down enough,
to be not so stupid to ever give up the
mercy of driving LFS on CTRA servers
if only I would ever regain the right of
contucting my drinving wheel there just a carefully s my gloriole of the saint, which, I have to admit that, was dirty a bit after all thes banns.
I spite of differnces of mentality i am
very hopefull, that this my plea for clemency, which can also be looked as
a kind of "march to canossa", barefeeded and cleaned from unworthy intention, my change the
CTRA Admins intention to an act
of good will.
I promise I will be behaving and I am
excusing for bad behaving.
If I could do any further clearing up,
what my intentions are for the future
or give any further garantees for myself I am willing to do so any time.
Yours sincerely, Dandy Dust