I was bored tonight and decided to go over the cinema for a laugh, fatty (the door womn who barred me and my mate) was there on the door, and i walked straight by her, went to the bar and had a drink, then went out again and had fag, then tried to go back in.....
MP3 is here!!
Audio is a little bit rough as my phone was in my pocket so here is exactly what was said, what i say is just normal writing, and what she said is in "quotes". Try to follow
jackpotty and youtube your gonna love this, cineworld asked for the video to be removed so my um response is to put another one on, i will, shit.
"daniel" .... "oy, whats your name?"
whats my name?
david my name is,
"yeah your the one can you make your way outside your banned."
Can i just ask, whats the actual reason?
"yeah your friend"
I wanna know what we did to be barred.
"filming, so,"
What, so making a video is not legal then?
"it isnt in here yeah without our permission"
You were hardly gonna give us permission were ya, what?
"no, well we had no choice, you were with him (dom), we told you you were barred so.."
I just want to know what he was actually accused of though, i mean..
"fiddling the fruit machines and then bragging about it"
have you seen his youtube?
"i think everbodys seen his youtube"
have you seen though, every single win, all legitimate wins, he doesnt cheat, he doesnt do **** all, honestly.
"he stands in here, and he were bragging that he were filming the machines, winning out of the machines, its at the managers discression, if there losing money, there gonna want him out, so because i was asking him to leave, he decided to blame me"
well you can see why he's a bit pissed off though cant ya?
"you can see why the managers pissed off, he's raiding our fruit machines every week, theres nothing i can do about it, at the end of the day they are here to make a profit, not a loss"
I mean, ive seen him lose 110 in that indy over there when it was on 35,
"the manager dont see that, the head office dont see that, all they see is all these wins from our fruit machines, and he got himself banned for it, he should have kept his mouth shut but no he didnt, he wanted to carry on, he wanted to brag about it and drag other managers in, who could of literally got sacked for what you did, its illegal on this site, you got to have permission, in writing."
Oh i know in there (meaning filming the cinema screens) you cant film ****in batman three or whatever obviously! How long am i barred for then, can i come in here and drink, or am i barred?
"you are...."
************** BATTERY DIED **********************
The next word she said was barred! ****er!