i did that and it still says i have 293.1 ..
Quote from Bmxtwins :i did that and it still says i have 293.1 ..

In that case it could be that one of your near-WR lap times went too much below WR, is seen as gained by cheating or heavy drafting, and as such is ignored completely.
So it takes away :o thats not fair. Esp when your on IHR Oval and drafting with [AA] Bud :P
Quote :Added OffPathWeight and GoodLapWeight to SRV file allowing to fine-tune safety rating changes using more events. Both apply only in race and one appearance off the track in race is allowed (e.g. when joining late or entering pits). [2.3.9d]


But wait... GoodLap is GoodLap how it is currently defined, is it?

1) I'll probably slightly adjust the hotlap index, allowing laps up to 2% better than WR, starting at WR+4%, then 3, 2, 1, and ending at 0.5% or better lap time (currently it is 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.1%). The downside is that Airios older than 2.4.0 will display slightly different averall index value. I'll try to do such changes that small adjustments in the future will not depend on Airio versions used.

2) Indeed it is a good lap as defined in the TCD file. By default that value is WR+2% and it seems to be reasonable. But of course it can be adjusted globally or for individual track/car combos and set either as percentage or absolute value.
What global var is WR+2% ?

This one?

# General good/great time reporting

It certainly is reasonable for the point system but I'll doubt it is for safety rating.

No problem, I'm willing to scrap GoodLapPoints if the safety rating is going to benefit.
Hi EQ,
Was curious if you could add a GridByRank command, whereas grid sorting could be done according to server rank.
The current ComboPoints option is nice, but it is not exactly what i am looking for.

Thanks for all the great work.
Another thing I wanted to say, but keep forgetting...

The word 'class' in !ex is confusing for some. Maybe its better to remove it, like you did when someone connects... (It says Intermediate A not Intermediate class A)

It also makes the window a little less wide, drivers with long driver names make the last column almost unreadable (TCDRH field)
How to configure [Joining track from pitlane check]
I want to implement [Joining track from pitlane check].
Red big message [DO NOT ENTER THE TRACK NOW!]
I using Airio 2.3.9a version.

Quote from EQ Worry :I've released Airio 2.3.5.
Here's a list of the important changes in Airio 2.3.5:
  • Joining track from pitlane may be checked and if there are any cars one or more laps ahead approaching, the joining car must give way or be penalized (e.g. spectated). This feature should work universally on every track.

I configure 2 things...


# Requires CheckPath to be active.
I can't understand this "CheckPath".
Is it means "CheckRacePath" ?

This discription can find Changelog 2.3.5 at http://www.airio.eu/Airio_CL.html
Quote :
CheckPath filter must be active (meaning also the PTH files must be available) for this feature to work.

2.PTH files
I download LFS Paths 1.0 and LFS Paths 1.2 , extract to Airio_239a_Free\pth

But [Joining track from pitlane check] is not work yet.
How do I active CheckPath filter?
TrackReturnGap=5 means a car must be less than 5 seconds away. Has another car met that criteria?
Quote from cargame.nl :# General good/great time reporting

It certainly is reasonable for the point system but I'll doubt it is for safety rating.

Indeed it is the one, 200 means 2 percent (above WR). Any better lap time will in race increase SR by the configured weight. What is wrong with using the same value of a good lap for two (or more) purposes? I think it is logical. Admin defines a good lap and that definition is used to set good lap points and good lap safery rating increases.

Quote from 100 :I want to implement [Joining track from pitlane check].
Red big message [DO NOT ENTER THE TRACK NOW!] ... Is it means "CheckRacePath" ?

Yes, it means CheckRacePath, sorry for the misleading name. I believe you've set everything correctly and it should work. Some things that may cause problems: The check works only during a race (not e.g. in qualification), it checks only cars that are one or more laps ahead of the returning car (not in the same lap), and it actives when the joining car is seen as leaving the pitlane. The last condition could be actually limiting on some tracks, where there is a very small gap between end of pitlane and start of proper race path. Before Airio receives pitlane leave event, the car may already be on race path and no check is done. However the check should always work on track with separated pitlane, such as the BL1/2 tracks.

Quote from cargame.nl :Maybe its better to remove it, like you did when someone connects... (It says Intermediate A not Intermediate class A)

Indeed I was thinking the same and I'll do this in the upcoming 2.4.0.

Quote from z-ro 8 :... could add a GridByRank command, whereas grid sorting could be done according to server rank.

Very generally speaking, giving precedence to higher ranked people seems to me somehow demotivating considering new people. Highly ranked people in front means they'll be getting yet more points and for a newcomer the situation may be unbearable. But maybe you'd like to use reversed ranks? Anyway, I'll see if this is reasonably implementable, maybe with the three other major kinds of points (champ, playing, driving).
Quote from EQ Worry :What is wrong with using the same value of a good lap for two (or more) purposes? I think it is logical.

Because I think its a lot easier to go off path then to drive WR+2%. And if I'll modify it to lets say WR+5%, points will fly around like crazy.

But well, let me get back on that when I've tested the new options

It's a matter of balancing.
Quote from cargame.nl :It's a matter of balancing.

Indeed it is. But in my view WR+5% is not a good lap at all, it is simply a lap, and there's no reason to raise SR based on such a lap above the standard raise applied on every lap finished. And sure it is easier to go off the track than to make a good lap, but I believe it was the whole point of this additional option. My general suggestion, reflected in default settings, is to keep good lap at WR+2% and give a small SR raise for that. Also apply a small decrease for all visits ouside the track except the 1st one in race.

Default (customizable) relative SR weights: Lap finished = 50, Race finished = 100, Yellow flag caused = -100, Good lap in race = 20, Going off the track in race = -20.
Quote from EQ Worry :I believe you've set everything correctly and it should work.

It worked!

----<Not Work Pattern>----
1.Change Airio.srv.txt and save
2.Reinit Airio (type "r" on console)
3./restart (Admin Command)
4.CheckRacePath is not work

----<Good Work Pattern>----
1.Change Airio.srv.txt and save
2.Reinit Airio (type "r" on console)
3.Racers Vote restart
4.CheckRacePath is working

Thank you!!!
Hm, I do not quite see how could /restart and voting lead to different results, but it is good it works for you. One small note: All the config changes (and I mean all) in CFG, TCD, SRV can be very simply applied by using !rld admin command. Airio restart is practically never needed, because !rld will do all the necessary work.
Great work again EQ.. Love !pls
Airio 2.4.0
Quote from Ultimate[RUS] :BlueFlag=Please give way to...

Oh yes, I had to change the message a bit, because it was too long and also car type was required. You may put it back by overwriting default Airio definition in MSG files. This new message is not included in the files yet, I'll be doing this update soon. Just use e.g. BlueFlagShort=Give way to in EN file...

Quote from cargame.nl :Great work again EQ.. Love !pls

Airio 2.4.0 is available. It corrects all known/reported bugs and imperfections, extends AVG info, improves and stores LFSEI data (!exs), adds two more safety rating events, extends summary info about currently connected people (!pls and !plx), and adds total points as a possible grid sorting option.

This version is supposed to stay as the most recent now for some time, before substantial update is available. Soon I'll be contacting user messages translators asking them to add new lines, so that localizations are complete once again. Check the downloads page sometimes.
TY mate! :wave2:
FREE Airio 2.4.0a does not show !top
Quote :10.04.21 23:33:27 #1 AIRIO ERROR: Field not found: 'LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.libName'.
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.Command1(String part1, String part2, String part3)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.ProcPreMsg(String comm) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\Command.cs:line 61
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.Message_Handler(Connection sender, Message m) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio\Actions.cs:line 51

Quote from Alt_F4 :FREE Airio 2.4.0a does not show !top

In fact it doesn't respond to many commands due to the error. This is caused by wrong (old) library included in the first published 2.4.0 version. If you can update the application yourself, just please download it again using direct link in my signature below, make sure the one DLL file is of April 16th, and overwrite your existing one (of April 8th, I believe). Everything should work then. Sorry for the mistake, I corrected it about 2 days ago. In case you've updated using 500servers update option, please let me know, I'd have to send new file to Franky...
Thank you, it works.
Quote from EQ Worry :In fact it doesn't respond to many commands due to the error. This is caused by wrong (old) library included in the first published 2.4.0 version. If you can update the application yourself, just please download it again using direct link in my signature below, make sure the one DLL file is of April 16th, and overwrite your existing one (of April 8th, I believe). Everything should work then. Sorry for the mistake, I corrected it about 2 days ago. In case you've updated using 500servers update option, please let me know, I'd have to send new file to Franky...

The ones you sent me were dated 16th (i did get the e-mail... been busy)
Thanks, Franky, for confirmation. In that case everything is correct and updates using the TC admin panel at 500servers should work reliably.
Hi 2 ALL !

Is it possible to create qualification system by using RName so Airio can split racers in Divisions (Serie A, Serie B...) if is possible then new command is needed like RSerieNo (for selecting how many racers in each division (serie). And if its possible to remember that in separate file so if its needed can be deleted.


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