I want to know 2 things
It is possible to config airio---> To allowed rejoin 1time per race?(orginal ir 3times) and where can i dis config?
And second thing it is possible to get airio !top list in my own webpage and how..?

I have free airio!

Thanks, Good day!
Hello! How to remove limits for tyres.(rally tyres on tarmac, etc.)
Quote from Litro :Hello! How to remove limits for tyres.(rally tyres on tarmac, etc.)

TCD file
Quote :# Prohibited tyres on all tracks/cars

Can we use more than 5 Limad level? (Airio PROS)

Quote :13.10.20 11:58:04 #1 Starting new instance...
13.10.20 11:58:04 #1 Reading server configuration...
13.10.20 11:58:04 #1 Opening connection to
13.10.20 11:58:05 #1 Connection failed...
13.10.20 11:58:05 #1 AEGIO ERROR : System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
Hedef makine etkin olarak reddettiğinden bağlantı kurulamadı
konum: System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
konum: System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(EndPoint remoteEP)
konum: LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.ConnectionOpen(String hostName, Int32 hostPort, String adminPass, String insimName, Char prefixChar, Boolean hostLocal, Boolean keepColours, Boolean sendNodeLap, Boolean sendMultiCar, Boolean sendHits, Boolean sendAutoX, UInt16 updateInterval, UInt16 udpPort) d:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimConnection.cs içinde: satır 141

I reading this error

Do I make mistake by setting when I setup ? Can you write in details. Because I dont understand the setup.

Quote from cargame.nl :Maybe... Can also be Windows firewall or some other firewall blocking activity on port 63393.

You didnt provide your Airio.con.1.txt file, so difficult to say.

Quote :# ================================================================= #
# ================================================================= #

# It is necessary to enter here data needed for connection to server.
# These are LFS server IP address, its InSim communication port,
# and the server password. Without correct data connection cannot
# be established.


Modem firewall Disabled.

Airio Program open...
Quote from cargame.nl :Modem? Where is the LFS server and where is the InSim?

Two different computers? is an internal computer address.

Modem: ZTE ZXV10 W300

I using InSimi Lfs Server is in my computer.
I'm using LFS Port From modem.
when I open/close the computer and Dedicated server, server is opened/closed that time.

so, I Don't use Host, Server is not online 7/24.

When the server open, people can entire the game without error and play the game.

No only one computer.

I can't understand the last one you say.

Please, can you describe with details how I can set? maybe I make mistake somewhere?
Quote from cargame.nl :The InSim port is 29999 (it seems, if I look at your screenshot). => HostPort=29999 !

63393 is the game port for users, not InSims.

If your LFS config is like this;

If it's like that and LFS server and InSim is running on the same computer then it's better to use (HostAddr=) .

If you binded LFS to with /ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx then you need to use as HostAddr.

Thank you for your help

AIRIO Worked

Is there Drift InSim in the airo.
If it is not how can I set hte another Drift InSim?

I'm trying to delete a user from the stats, but this user has a two-word nickname, let say: john doe

How can I delete him from stats? Because !delete john doe doesn't work
Nah that doesn't work in airio free

Standard in airio free limad5 can change stats

But airio free knows only limad 0 2 4

So change in airio.cfg file i think change all limad5 too limad4 then he can !del stats

specially under Admin Commands
Recently I've deleted some users from that table without any problem, but, indeed, they have a one-word username. So the problem is not about permissions

if i buy airio full from officiel website, I will receive my copy or there is no way to buy because developer are inactive?
Quote from cargame.nl :There is no way. If you pay, your money is basically gone. (Although you can file a complaint @Paypal I think).

EQ Worry is not interested in LFS anymore.

hum okay this is very problematic, and he didn't make full airio for free before they gone .
so how we can get full version for persons with new servers like me ???
Quote from lfsrm :Hi!

if i buy airio full from officiel website, I will receive my copy or there is no way to buy because developer are inactive?

The best solution might be to send an email [email protected]
I know he did some license even if it is no longer active in LFS.
But I suggest you write him an email before

Quote from MrSam :The best solution might be to send an email [email protected]
I know he did some license even if it is no longer active in LFS.
But I suggest you write him an email before


if he dont respond to donation, i dont think they will if i send him email, anyway thx for advice .

c'est pas du tout professionnelle de ça part.
Having issues getting the Drift Scoring system to work.

"DriftProcess=true" is set

But no scoring can be seen on the server?
FBM server questions
Hello everybody!
I'm running an FBM server, and I can't find some features in Airio
Where I can add this finish grid (when the race is finishing on lots of the servers, a finish flag appears at the right of the screen)
I can't add more SpeedtrapNode. I added 2 other nodes (like this SpeedtrapNode=+227) and it didn't work

Can anyone help with this? Where I can add these features?

Thanks in advance
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