The online racing simulator
Just Wondering about the FO8...
(41 posts, started )
My fav car too. Nice to drive and fun to drive. If you wanna drive with it online, just go to a FM Oval Junkies
FO8 is my favourite car atm, it handles very nice imo
Just lovely
#28 - AMB
Quote from RedCoupe :How often do you see people racing the RAC
Its like the LX6. My guess is too many people view the throttle as an on off switch. When you have the power to spin the tires on almost any turn you need to be a lot more precise and people don't wanna deal with it.

Well recently i've become more open to trying/racing cars I usually wouldn't, i'll drive anything, although there are some I don't like it's better than driving the same car all the time
Well, I think it's the best car in LFS. I tried to start a decent league a few times, but it didn't come off the ground really. Such a shame.

There always is OWRL DivA... I remember that league, was a shame it didnt work Bas
Quote from Flame CZE :My fav car too. Nice to drive and fun to drive. If you wanna drive with it online, just go to a FM Oval Junkies

Which is the problem. Very little skill is required to pound round an oval. On a track like KY GP, that's where the fun is at..
Quote from S14 DRIFT : Very little skill is required to pound round an oval.

Not really... Skill is required, but a different type of skill.

On a circuit track, the skill is in being fast, taking good lines and keeping control of the thing. On an oval, the skill is in not wrecking a car that you are (bump)drafting with, or not causing an entire grid pile up before the end of lap 1 .
I think it would be great if someone made an FO8 league replicating the real life Formula Palmer Audi series. Restrict them to about 325bhp and with big grids I think it could be a winner...
I love that car especially on SO Long reverse
I really like the F08. I like it more then the BF1.

Quote from Minimaxman :I think it would be great if someone made an FO8 league replicating the real life Formula Palmer Audi series. Restrict them to about 325bhp and with big grids I think it could be a winner...

Why would you restrict the power? If you're spinning up the rears on the FO8, you have absolutely no throttle control.
If you did some reasearch into the real FPA series, you'd realise that the cars in it are running ~325bhp, hence why you'd restrict them to that to replicate the series...
Its maybe the most interesting/exciting car in lfs
No time to breath at all. If you open the throttle too soon, your out, too late, and your losing alot of exit speed.
I noticed that even with FJR (ctra ss2 restricted version) its quite difficult to use sometimes
Quote from Minimaxman :If you did some reasearch into the real FPA series, you'd realise that the cars in it are running ~325bhp, hence why you'd restrict them to that to replicate the series...

Restricting the power on the FO8 makes it a very dull drive. I've tried CTRA's FJR-spec and was rather disgusted with it. I can't believe people actually need the car to be that heavily neutered to be able to drive it.
Agree with Forbin. Also when you start restricting the FO8 gear changes become a tad problematic.
I speak as a FOX lover,but IMHO the FO8 is on another level for fun and challenge.
Its probably the most difficult vehicle to master,and the most unused at the same time...