The online racing simulator
(151 posts, started )
People who dont have problems running version 0.7, please post, so I know what kind of problem it is.
Quote from Frankmd :The only time I got the problem with Player0 etc is when I start the tool after the replay has been started. Maybe I should have put that in the readme. For the next update I will try to fix this.

Ok, that's right - 0.7 works fine when connecting before starting replay
Here is v0.8.

Changes and fixes (v0.8)
* Not all players were listed.
* Should work better if noobTV is started while a replay is running.
* Primitive yellow-flag detection.
* Option for username/playername display.

Please keep 'em coming, those suggestions and bugreports
hi frank,
thanks for the new version.

i have made a cam-file for kyoto gp long and i hope that it will be used at the 24h race.

it's not very spectacular, i tried to simulate the way tv-stations broadcast such events. long relaxed shots with a good overview(when using the 2-car method, great feature). i think at some point of a 24h race you don't need that hectic shots victor used .
victor has 31 cameras for this track, i use 17. i think thats the main point of this file.

unfortunately many great positions for cameras are not possible because of the grey areas squares lfs produces when shooting from "weird" positions. but i think thats a lfs problem.

improvement suggestion:
the zoom feature works very nicely, but i would like to have a little more control over the fov. some kind of multiplier i can set or some limits to force the camera not zoom that much. i need zooming for these long camera shots, but now the cameras zoom a little to much for my needs.
Attached files
kyoto.txt - 3 KB - 612 views
polygonal areas instead of rectangular and line-cameras with more points. (e.g. for covering the kyoto pit areas with only one line cam)
Polygonal areas: yes.
More points on a line: not sure.
FOV: yes, altough Im not exactly sure what would be the best way.

Thank you for making a camera set I was thinking of creating a small webpage with files, so that the camera definitions do get scattered around.
WOW! This is a great Tool, Nice Work. :up:

Only Suggestion is a Page where you can upload you own Camerasets and rate them, this would make it much easier to get startet with this Programm.
Works almost great. Is it normal that its stuttering with a field of 18 people?

normal: 30 fps
noobtv: 10fps
noobTV on itself should not be very heavy on the system. I havent noticed any fps drops on my own system. If it happens in Custom Camera mode, it could be possible that the fps drop is caused by having all the cars in one view, because most Custom Cameras are far away and thus draw a lot of the track and maybe all cars during the start.
30fps is a bit on the low side too, so I guess it quickly drops to an even lower value if some other process runs. On my own pc, noobTV never gets above 3% cpu time, and only for a very short time (after you press a button for example) but otherwise uses less then 0.5%
ahh ok, just noticed it, my Mistake

anyway, I tried to make my own Cameras for BL. I wanted to creat a cam which shows the car from the end of a lap till the beginning of a new one. The nodes were (for example) 450 (start) and 8 (end). A bit like closing the circle. But on that area LfS changed to the custom view and after that area again to my own cameras. Is it a bug or doesn't it work because of LfS code?

edit: Just found something:
I thought the camera would be too high, but:
I stopped the replay here by pressing "pause". On pressing pause the track was shown normally and it was shown correctly during the whole replay.
Just a little notification. At the moment I am pretty busy and unable to find time to work on noobTV. I am also thinking about porting it to C#, to make some additional features possible. Don't expect an update any time soon, at least not before July.
hey guys this looks great!
by the way, it didn*t work with double click, so i had to extract it. the only annoying thing was, the search for the right class to start. so for everyone:

java TVmain (thats the one you have to start for the application)
java TVcameratool (thats the one you have to start for the camerapositon helping tool)
@ Frankmd
First of all, thank You for this great lil' tool ! After figuring out how it works, i started to build a camera set for BL2
Anywayz, I would like to see a few improvements. Basically, i would love to see some kind of interface in LFS (dunno if it is possible ), where actually by using the shift+U view you could create your cameras - You wander around the track, find a good spot, set up the view You want, and You push a button, than the program asks You to set the Start/Stop nodes on the track,and when You are done, it simply saves what You have done to a txt file. It could also track the movemet of the camera, so you could set exactly the way you want the camera to move ( this could be done by pushing a button to start "recording" the movement of the camera, and then to stop the "recording" ). These suggestions would make the process of setting up the cameras a lot shorter, and what is more important, easier :P
Btw guys, yeah You there, what about making a contest of creating the best camera set for a track ? The winner would have honor, glory , and the good feeling, that he/she has made a service to the community
Now really, lets post here some of the sets You made, please !
I hope everything was clear, and understandable , and I can't wait to see a new version of this tool !

if anyone has good cameras for the Oval, let me know!!!
Quote from MataGyula :@ Frankmd
First of all, thank You for this great lil' tool ! After figuring out how it works, i started to build a camera set for BL2
Anywayz, I would like to see a few improvements. Basically, i would love to see some kind of interface in LFS (dunno if it is possible ), where actually by using the shift+U view you could create your cameras - You wander around the track, find a good spot, set up the view You want, and You push a button, than the program asks You to set the Start/Stop nodes on the track,and when You are done, it simply saves what You have done to a txt file. It could also track the movemet of the camera, so you could set exactly the way you want the camera to move ( this could be done by pushing a button to start "recording" the movement of the camera, and then to stop the "recording" ). These suggestions would make the process of setting up the cameras a lot shorter, and what is more important, easier :P
Btw guys, yeah You there, what about making a contest of creating the best camera set for a track ? The winner would have honor, glory , and the good feeling, that he/she has made a service to the community
Now really, lets post here some of the sets You made, please !
I hope everything was clear, and understandable , and I can't wait to see a new version of this tool !


I think having some control panel in the LFS window would be very nice, because at the moment I dont think a lot of people are actually using this program. However, I highly doubt that I will find the time to port the program to C# or C++ anytime soon, so basically that would be the end of the program.
doh, tried to dl the movie and i it says access to the server is not possible
(yea i found this just today! )
Did You try to dowlnoad the zip file from here ?
hehe, thats the actual program wanted to take a look at the movie first to actually understand it correctly
oops, sorry than Well, the program enables you to place your own cameras around a track, very useful for making lfs movies , or just watching replays.
i just tried it, but whenever i wanna set a custom can it says follower could not find position
well np im not planning to do an movie soon

I have some problems with noobTV! Nearly everytime I start LFS, type /insim 65000 and then doublclick on noobTV.jar I get graphic-errors!

I don´t know what i have to do. Once it helps to swich between the Screen wides (Shift+F9-F12 in LFS), but only one time it works!

If i got this Graphic mismatch, only a reboot can help!

Do u know what i can do to run this tool?

PS: I thought there was a treat, especially for cams made with that NoobTVCamera Tool, but i cant find!

Cpu:3200XP GPU:MSI6800Ultra
Attached images
oh, you've just entered the matrix... if someone asks you, follow the white rabbit...
First I thought u made a joke, but then there was a friendly voice and the rabbit lead me to java-update.

Has someone a cam-collection or better where can I download the Files?

I experienced a hole day long, but i think the cameratool does not work well every time. For example i got a negatve Z-Axis in Westhill in the fast corners. After restartin the cameratool i got a 80000 Z-Axis at the same point and it works well.
That screen shot reminds me of my old chinatech (brand name should of told me to stay the hell away) 5200. That thing over heated all of the time, and it looked much like that.
Don´t know what i have done:

I proofed my camsettings in a replay with noob tv, changed the positions in the Westhill.txt and saved it, pushed the exit button in noobTV and start the replay and noobTV again. But noobTV is not there, no menue. Only the TVcameratool works as well

I rebooted my baby twice, but noobTV stays hidden!!!

(151 posts, started )