A nice oldschool phone.
It's mainly gonna be a backup phone.
Quote from Franky.S :expenisve ?

Well what do you think? M5 is not exactly the cheap category.
These, Prestigio SOPHS 2

Quote from bmwe30m3 :
A nice oldschool phone.
It's mainly gonna be a backup phone.

is that one of thos "Classic series" Nokias?

I got a 3110 Classic in 2007, pretty good, 4GB SD-memory, USB plug and play everywhere, batterie lasts forever, enjoys being dropped and thrown around.

but a new phone is planned, need one with satnav
Nah, not a "classic" phone, it's nokia E51, oldschool business-class phone.
Quote from ACCAkut :
I got a 3110 Classic in 2007, 4GB SD-memory...

I was about to ask wtf...but then i realised that 3110 and 3110 classic are different phones
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Well what do you think? M5 is not exactly the cheap category.

It's all relative really, isn't it?
(CheerioDM) DELETED by Scawen : spam
(Storm_Cloud) DELETED by Scawen : response to spam
Rappa Z, Finnish alcohol is piss anyways, feels like there is no alcohol inside.

Old PSU, but it's blue.
My first slice of Pi arrived this morning
Attached images
Grats! Mine is still nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps the UPS guy hijacked it..
Quote from amp88 :My first slice of Pi arrived this morning

Bit jealous.

A friend of mine's got one on the way but I keep forgetting to order one.

Was totally unexpected. Hadn't even received a tracking number from RS yet, though it was still somewhere in the UK. Guess I'll get to brush up on my Linux skills this evening.
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wats dis?
It's literally a computer the size of your palm.

Edit: Ninja'd to it

why my toothbrush thread is closed ?
Piss off you annoying twerp, go back to 9gag or something.

OT: Looks good, no doubt newer versions will be smaller again with maybe a slight price rise.
Shimian Achieva QH270

27", LED, IPS, 2560*1440.

Is very very sexy...

This turned up today. Carved spruce top, nice flamed maple ribs, maple back. Needs a better set of strings but I've got two sets in my loft. Think I'll get the bridge replaced with an adjustable one (so I can fit a Full Circle pickup) and maybe replace the pegs - they work fine but they're not very attractive. Then it just needs a few years of playing to season it.

Sound is already obviously there. Very resonant, open, lots of sustain, sounds very woody and rich when bowed. It's only going to get better.
Attached images
Big fish or small tank?
I put that photo on Facebook and got the same line of enquiry.

Big fish. He's about 8" long. He's just a goldfish that was won at the fair, but we've had him for about 12 years now. Apparently they can grow to about 12" long if they have a good enough environment. The reason most stay small and die young is because they live in cramped conditions - a single goldfish needs about 100L of water. He's got 50L I think.
Samson SR-850

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