The online racing simulator
Oh the irony...

some irony pics found
The only ironic thing about those pictures is that none of them are ironic.

It's like ray-hee-ain on your wedding day.
Quote from Crashgate3 :The only ironic thing about those pictures is that none of them are ironic.

It's like ray-hee-ain on your wedding day.

Gil will love you for that.
/me hugs Crashgate

See, Ziggy!
What excellent pictures......

Attached images
Excellent pictures.jpg
Quote from The Very End :Actually I have nothing against ugly people jokes and such, and tbh I am not mr charming myself Often got jokes at my expence. But pedo jokes, well lucky for me it have not happend, but would be pretty harsh if you read such a pedobear reply Either way, guess people will allways feel ofended by jokes of they hit 'em right.

I think you're very beautiful and if I were gay, I'd be constantly chasing you around screaming "I'd tap that!".

Oh yeah, want some meatspin in your face o' mighty boy?
epic timing.

LOL Bambi!!
Can you please take it down? I dont see how its ****ing funny.....
Talking about this at work and found this made me lol

Quote from DevilDare :Can you please take it down? I dont see how its ****ing funny.....

erm lol. why dont you respect the hard work i had to put in this graphical master piece.

just joking remove it if you think its too brutal / gore for some childish eyes here.
Quote from DevilDare :Can you please take it down? I dont see how its ****ing funny.....

Get a sense of humour!
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )