The online racing simulator
Virtual LFS Dashboard
(529 posts, closed, started )
hey there is there enyway (if im allowed to) edit the codes (if possible) so i can chage the size of the applicaton

(sry for bad eng)
ya, maybe you can just have a few pre-defined sizes in the options menu
Cant install
Quote :
Note: You dont have to uninstall older versions, If you have already installed click no to the registry file that comes at the end of the installation)


So i have been building a Flight Simulator for quite some time and have always wanted to build a race car simpit too. I just found your AWESOME software. The downloads above I assume are the latest edition. I downloaded both the exe and the rar files but have been unable to install them (i do know they are both the same file just saved differntly) Anyway the install gets to 40% then it stops after about 40 sec it shows "Not Responding" What am i doing wrong.

Thanks for the help and for the software.

Mike G
Just a tip
Quote from BlackWidow :Hello

So i have been building a Flight Simulator for quite some time and have always wanted to build a race car simpit too. I just found your AWESOME software. The downloads above I assume are the latest edition. I downloaded both the exe and the rar files but have been unable to install them (i do know they are both the same file just saved differntly) Anyway the install gets to 40% then it stops after about 40 sec it shows "Not Responding" What am i doing wrong.

Thanks for the help and for the software.

Mike G

have you tried closing all other windows then installing the softwere?

i installed it on the 22nd of November and couldent figure out why it wouldent work so i went in to my "cfg.ini" and went to the bottom and chaged the "outgauge port" to "40000" then saved the "cgf.ini" file and opened LFS and VLFSDash pressed my "/" button typed in "insim 40000"
and it works fine naw

(sry for bad eng)

Hope This Helps Josh.N
Do you guys have an idea where to get images of those dashboard symbols (hazard lights, abs, oil temp etc...) in reasonable quality? I've searched the internet but didn't find anything free... !
I post in this thread because of this program has got some of these symbols^^

MfG Reese
Quote from Reese :Do you guys have an idea where to get images of those dashboard symbols (hazard lights etc...) in reasonable quality? I've searched the internet but didn't find anything free... !
I post in this thread because of this program has got such symbols^^

MfG Reese

I have included the ones I used HERE.. (theses are 50x50 bmp's, maybe they can help )

Quote from BlackWidow :Hello

So i have been building a Flight Simulator for quite some time and have always wanted to build a race car simpit too. I just found your AWESOME software. The downloads above I assume are the latest edition. I downloaded both the exe and the rar files but have been unable to install them (i do know they are both the same file just saved differntly) Anyway the install gets to 40% then it stops after about 40 sec it shows "Not Responding" What am i doing wrong.

Thanks for the help and for the software.

Mike G

What Operating System are you using, the setups automatically install and register the required dll,ocx files. It may be failing when doing so

Quote from micromental :hey there is there enyway (if im allowed to) edit the codes (if possible) so i can chage the size of the applicaton

(sry for bad eng)

I have tried (and failed) to add different sizes but its proving hard to resize the dials, so that it looks the same, only scaled down...
Wow that was fast Thanks so far!
But maybe someone has got some more

MfG Reese
Hi DavidTiger.
Yesterday I noticed for the first time a very "laggy" movement of the needles, turbo pressure and speed were really "jumping" like crazy and were not as smooth as they used to.
I have installed your latest version. IIRC, someone already said this to Erazotropa in some of the old posts here, I will try to find them.
Oh, I have never noticed this myself Is it using excesive ammounts of cpu when its 'lagging'?
What Delay are you using in cfg.txt?
Outgauge Delay is set at 1
This is CPU usage with 3 cars online and it still was a bit laggy.
Strange, 'cause it's always been as smooth as silk...

Before I meant RPM, not speed needle.
Attached images
oh ya, where can i download the latest version where i can just install lol, im such a noob....

and if feisable you might have a solution to the resizing problem...

if you have several versions, or an option, to set the screen size, instead of having it render differently. maybe 3 or 4 different sizes, or maybe just a big and small
Quote from logitekg25 :oh ya, where can i download the latest version

Version 0.2.3
first post of this page (post #421)
Hey, I just did a few laps on a full (14cars) server, and I noticed no lag on the needles
I had made some updates a few days ago and never had time to update here, so..

Here is the updated exe, It may help.. I will test on the laptop after I post this, Latop has 1GB ram and 1.73GHz, where as this pc has 6GB RAM and 3.5GHz so It may handle it faster..

(Note: This is only the exe and ini, You will have to replace/overwrite the originals manually in the in the "\Program Files\VLFSDash\INC\" folder
hi its my complain train again

love the program, i am not using the latest version, i am just using the one on post 421.....anyway, its great, love the sounds and everything actually

but when i exit out no matter what i do i get the error that it cant stop, i think it is 'runtime error' or something along those lines....i just dont learn my lesson to keep it when i have it working :gnasher:

but if you could help me thanks

Like Ripley's lagging problem I have never experianced this on any pc/laptop I test it on

Can you post a screenshot of the error message?
Does it only happen when you close the dash, or closing lfs with the dash still open, both?

EDIT: Forgot to mention in my last post (#439) that I added a maybe pointless feature, but my friend requested it and I added to the main program.. Can be disabled in the options as well as the sounds...

When using the turn signals on your car it will flash your keyboard Num, Scroll status....

hmm, well when i first install the program and it opens by default it works flawlessly when everything is set good....i am extremely satisfied. but when i exit lfs it still works, the only time it acts up is when i close the program, it will not open up due to an error that says 'run-time error '13':

type mismatch'

not sure if you can decifer it, but i have gottnen it working again, then i think i tried to install a new patch, and it started that, so i stopped, then you went on vacation... how was it by the way

hapy thanksgiving to all americans
Quote from logitekg25 :hmm, well when i first install the program and it opens by default it works flawlessly when everything is set good....i am extremely satisfied. but when i exit lfs it still works, the only time it acts up is when i close the program, it will not open up due to an error that says 'run-time error '13':

type mismatch'

Ahh, I think that is again to do with the ini, I may be wrong but I think its trying to read a value and use it in a variable of a different type, from what the value is...
I'll see if I can somehow reproduce this and find a way to fix
I'll add some debug error checking, so that if something goes wrong it gives meaning errors, not just 'runtime error'

EDIT: After a quick check, my guess is that it is the INI that causes the problems... Now to make a fix
ALSO: From now on all updates will only include the exe and ini, you will need to have installed the full version before

Quote from logitekg25 :then you went on vacation... how was it by the way

It was fun, not a major holiday, just a few days away in the caravan, and to see grandparents
glad you enjoyed it, and take your time
OK, no update as of yet, just posting to let guys who requested a smaller size guage
However, I cannot resize it, much smaller than it already is... The reason being that the Speed and RPM Gauge starts to dissappear after rezising 10 pixels or so, therefore the width of the app would only reduce about a very small amount of pixels.
Same with the height of the SPEED & RPM gauge... But I can resize the temp, turbo, oil, fuel gauges so it would make the app slightly less tall...

Here you see the old size and the new size after resizing the Speed & RPM Guage as much as they will go (without dissapearing)

So.. If you really want the smaller size (show above) reply here, i'll tidy up the form a little and release the exe, otherwise I dont see much point unless its only a few pixels too big for you...

If you go for smaller size, please keep it optional for those who want pure 800x600 (me!)
I will continue making/updating the original but if others want the smaller size then i'll update that also... but if no-one want the (slightly) smaller version then I wont make it
i would apreciate it....but if nobody else wants it i dont see a point

a few pixyls seems perfect
Im sure there wont be too many major updates from now, So I dont mind updating two different versions.. If the smaller size is perfect for you then I'd be happy to upload it

I'll tidy it up (few things arn't spaced out and some overlap) and I'll post a link here for them tommorow
sounds im doing this on xfire's in game browser
Hey Guys (mostly logitekg25 )

Here is the smaller (750x600) version of VLFSDash
Download: VLFSD_Small.rar

Here Is the normal (800x600) Version
Download: VLFSD.rar

Max Speed Indicator... Shows your max speed you have gone since VLFSDash started. Can Be Reset to 0 and Can also be turned off in 'Setup'


(Note: This is only the exe and ini, You will have to replace/overwrite the originals manually in the in the "\Program Files\VLFSDash\INC\" folder...
Else if its your first time using it, then you will find the installers here

Quote from DavidTiger :Downloads:
Latest Exe: VLFSDash0.2.3_Setup.exe
Latest Rar: VLFSDash0.2.3_Setup.rar
Latest INI File: VLFSDash.ini (RightClick & SaveAs)

This thread is closed

Virtual LFS Dashboard
(529 posts, closed, started )