So I got a new camera for Christmas. This is my first attempt at creating a video.
Soundtrack courtesy of Rush. I need music to pace myself.
Monitor is a 37" 1080P from Westinghouse.
Cpu is an AMD 3.00 ghz dual core
GFX card is an 8600GT
3 gigs ram
Frame rate is pegged on 60 fps. Pretty cool seeing that I am running LFS, Napster, AIM, and maybe a few other things in the background.
So I got a new camera for Christmas. This is my first attempt at creating a video.
Soundtrack courtesy of Rush. I need music to pace myself.
Monitor is a 37" 1080P from Westinghouse.
Cpu is an AMD 3.00 ghz dual core
GFX card is an 8600GT
3 gigs ram
Frame rate is pegged on 60 fps. Pretty cool seeing that I am running LFS, Napster, AIM, and maybe a few other things in the background.