Had a problem
- a tree fell accross the only road out of my place, took me an hour to clear the mess before I could pass - luckily I had a chainsaw handy.
- nearly hit a kangaroo, which was a big mistake (I should have hit the bloody thing!) as when I swerved to miss him the camber on the gravel road I was driving caught me out (it was 5am I was thalf asleep and already had dodged 18 other kangaroos previous to this one so give me a break :razz

I ended up going sideways into a ditch. This cause some damage to the car on a few panels but more importantly it ripped two tyres off there rims and the car was wedged in the ditch in such a way that only one front and one rear tyre was touching the ground

Knowing that I was unlikely to see anybody come past in the next couple of hours I preceded to extract the car (using an apporpriately sized tree branch and my tool box as a leverage point) and get some air back into the deflated tyres. I then slowly drove the car back home and have swaped cars so I will be a couple of hours late.