I'm extremely sorry to leave SRLT at such a difficult momment, but I couldn't deal anymore with the controversial behaviour of our manager, and the instability inside of the team : if you have a look
there, you can see that there was 5 arrivals and 10(!) departures during the 2 months I spent in the team, which is rather huge considering the fact that we never got more than 12 guys inside of the team within this period.
Anyway, I absolutely do not regret my passage there : it gave to me the opportunity to meet very nice people, and I spent some very nice momments with them. I remain in good terms with them, and wish them best of luck for the future. It's a bit disappointing to leave the team less strong than it was when I came to it, as it represents some kind of failure sportively speaking, but I do hope that the guys will be able to keep their motivation after these hard times, and I hope they'll come back at their top by themselves someday.
Many thanks for the kind words present in this thread anyway, cheers guys, and see you on track