The online racing simulator
Sorry to be nagging, but.. [reports]
I would like to say that I've been patient enough in this, I've waited and waited.. and waited some more... had Christmas, and then waited again, and yet it seems like it's just going nowhere..

Sorry to be nagging, but the whole situation with the reports needs sorting out, seriously.

Reports that have been "pending" for months are still pending, and ones that have been "under review" for weeks are still "under review". Now I've heard all the old stuff, about people "not being able to/not having time" and etcetra, but then maybe you should have thought about that and perhaps hired some help. The longer you delay sorting them, the larger the backlog.

Besides, the moronic drivers are still on the servers ruining the experience and the longer it takes to give them their punishment for doing so, the less faith the user has in the admin. CTRA is constantly praising itself on quality of driving, yet in Race 1 the quality is generally poor. I'd go to Race 2 where standards tend to be higher (so I can actually race without being wrecked!), but no-one uses it.

I'm aware the admins and what not have a life, I don't need a "well I'm busy with work/project whatever", because I know all this. What _I_ need is for reports to actually be dealt with instead of just saying "oh I'll get to it tommorow". Get some help, some new active admins, or deal with it yourself, either way, and with no offense, it's getting beyond a joke now. :hide:
Fine... S14.. I'll personally go deal with all your reports right now.


*Makes people wonder.. am I serious or lying?*
It's not just my reports, but the whole report system in geneal. I just don't see why people bother reporting when it's often weeks, if not months, before an admin gets round to dealing with it.
seeing each report takes about 10 minutes, yet only about 1 to submit... can you see the issue with this balance? However, next week (THIS ONE I PROMISE OR BOB CAN BAN ME FOREVER) when I have the time off from school, I'm going to get through as many as I can. even if it means I don't get sex!
#5 - Jakg
Quote from S14 DRIFT :
Reports that have been "pending" for months are still pending, and ones that have been "under review" for weeks are still "under review". Now I've heard all the old stuff, about people "not being able to/not having time" and etcetra, but then maybe you should have thought about that and perhaps hired some help. The longer you delay sorting them, the larger the backlog.

Well if your happy to pay i'll step in just fine (because I see no reason why CTRA should pay if no-one gives any money to it!)

@ Sam - Have you got everything working yet? I'd like to start but I can never find you atm...
I would actually like to delete the one report that's been "under review" for several weeks now, because I don't believe in penalizing people for something they did a long time ago. That's like punishing your kid after you find out that he once did drugs 5 years ago. Doesn't serve any purpose

I agree that something must be done, and it must be done soon. Either get more people to handle the reports, or disable the reporting system altogether, because the way it is now it's going nowhere. Reports are stacking up higher with every passing day and nothing's being done about it.

I don't mean to come across as a whiny bitch, but it's painfully clear to anyone now that something has to be done. Hell, I don't even submit that many reports. I've got 1 under review and 2 pending, and to be honest I don't even care about what happens with those anymore because it's too long ago. And there's pending reports that are twice or three times as old as the ones I submited so go figure.

#7 - Jakg
I can tell you now that they are being dealt with (although not with a Sam like pace, i'll admit!)

EDIT - No reports from you are showing up as unallocated, which explains why they haven't been done - I'll try to get Sam or someone to look into it for you but atm he's got Ebola or something
one of mine just got processed.
#9 - Jakg
The magical pixies are working on it :P

Meh, I don't mind as long as it gets looked at. System helps avoid bitching in-game.
But not on forum, obviously.

They'll be dealt with when they are. End of.

Any further threads of this kind will be closed as they contribute nothing to getting things actually done.
This thread is closed