I generally used LFS only for single player up to version Y, mostly driving round the tracks with the more or less difficult AI drivers in the normal cars or, with version V only, I created some tuned versions of the XFG and XRT, had lots of tweaks for it but deleted it, because the difference between V and Y, later Z, was too big for me, and I was also some kind of bored of tweaking the cars. when Z was released, I more and more tried the online capabilities of LFS and discovered the cruise servers, tried some out and stayed at [TC] City Driving, which is very very fun, because the community is very nice and I just love the cruising, racing and sometimes chasing on the servers. Since I joined the Cruise community I also started to go deeper into setting up the cars and created a few very nice setups for my most favourite cars, the UF1 (love that little screamer), XFG, XFR, LX4 (i like it, it`s so much fun to throw it around the track), and most actual the UFR, which is really really fun and extremly easy to drive brutally fast with the right setup. I drove about 5000+ km`s on montana till now and was really astonished about how exactly i have learned the track only by driving and not racing on it. I use the G25 for driving, which is a very great wheel in my opinion, except the shifter is a little too...well, weak and too easy to slam through the gears, so a little much more resistance would be nice, but you can`t have everything.
I generally play LFS about 2-4 evenings a week, on weekeknds mostly friday and/or saturday night, driving on the [TC] server only and driving about 150-400 km`s a night.
Well, so much about my LFS history and the actual situation, now the future, i will keep it short, well, I`ll try to...
Firstly, as already said by a lot of others, let the dev`s take the time for the scirocco and all the other stuff they are also developing and finishing. I think, that when the scirocco is released we will also get a rework of all other or most of the other cars, as already happened at the XRG, XFG and XRT, this takes some time! Then we might get (hopefully) a new track, a huge test track with looooooong straights and some handling parcours would be nice, or some more variations of the already existing tracks, i personal dream of a completely open south city especially for the cruisers with traffic lights and some other goodies...

If TDU wouldn`t have such a horrible physics engine, driveability and would not be full of bugs I would even play it longer than 5 seconds, but the masses get what the masses want...look at these graphics....so much motion blur and all this silly, CPU-eating use less stuff.....wooooow....it LOOKS so....well, some kind of undiscribable but it eats a lot of CPU so it must be great...I personal give a **** about good graphics, I want wonderful physics and astonishing driveability more than up to the date graphics, by the way, i think the LFS graphics are very nice and very good, so i personal don`t miss anything. But back to topic...
My personal perfect LFS would look as follows:
It would have a own integrated car and track editor with which we could create and tune our own cars within limits especially for drivability and several servers for online play and create tracks but not changing the already existing ones, they are good enough....i want the green hell :-). the physics would be like they are now or slightly changed and some graphical updates would be made as well...but i hope that scawen stays at his opinion that LFS will never be a screenshot generator but "must be optimized as a driving/racing simulator!"
Now my fingers hurt

Hope i was able to entertain you a little with my ideas and visions and hopefully LFS will exist forever....or at least till i die!
Keep on racing