The online racing simulator
#1 - Don
Hires racing interior for FZR (FZ50)
ive done this quite some time ago and thought its not so good as i expected, so i didnt even release it....but i spent quite some time on it, so now i decided i`ll release it and maybe someone will like it

put the .dds files into your lfs directory/data/dds .... the JPGs are just for preview
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Exellent job there, Don. Although I don't use FZ5 much, I'm sure I'll enjoy this on FZR.
Nice, but why don't you work a bit more on it? I think with some adjustments it could look really good.

For example the carbon structure on the side panels is too big compared to the dashboard. I also think, that the rightside drivers won't like the mirrored FZR text
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#4 - Don
as i said, i lost interest in it.....especially as we can expect proper racing interiors in final s2 i guess...

well i tested it on LHD, so i didnt know it flips it on RHD.... :/
looks really nice don! didnt even bother to save the old ones
#6 - Jakg
hmmmm, i drive on the right side, is there any way i can have the team FZR Logo the right way round?
yeah good work don!

though, i, also, switch between l/r hand drive. Maybe removing the logo completely would be something to consider?
#8 - Don
#9 - Jakg
Quote from Don :ok, here is file for RHD

thank you ever so much! heres a suggestion, why not put (ie in S3, maybe even S2 Full) the name of the car somewhere on the dashboard, even if it is smallm just so that you can tell what car people are in in spectate mode?
Thanks for the RHD version - good work Don!
Nice, when I get home i'll add it.
Looks great. I'll add it, too.:clapclap:
good job!
Please don't bump old threads
Quote from MAGGOT :Please don't bump old threads

Why not?

Good job there 'Don'.
You couldnt do one for the FXR could you? Im dying for a nice FXR Interior like this
nice.i like it.think you.
Been like what? 5 years old?