The online racing simulator
Outsim Help
(4 posts, started )
Outsim Help
hey guys (1st Post )

I am very new to LFS Coding and have started to create a simple Outsim program to show simple things ie car name, speed and RPM but how would i go about creating buttons which would send the data from the Outsim program into the LFS Client so i can see it on my screen any help would be greately appreciated

P.S i have done C# before but nothing like this xD
Hi, welcome to teh forumz!

I'm not an Out(guage?) dude around these parts but thought I'd put you in the general direction of this and this! thread which are some guides on general InSim/Outguage stuff which may (or may not ) be of help, but hopefully it'll point you onto the right path.
i appreciate your feedback however i wouldnt of posted first without fulling reading them posts i have been reading through the forums for a few days now i have actually created a very small program which has not much use but i was just requeting help on how to send packets ( the buttons ) to the client side i havent had much luck yet but i am still learning all i would need is a code to connect to a LFS Client ( IE Mine) and then show the buttons similiar to interior gauges i have seen but instead of them just buttons
Connect to the InSim Client as you Would the InSim on the Server.

Outsim Help
(4 posts, started )