The online racing simulator
swerving all over the place
Hi guys,

since a view days i got some problems with my formula force EX wheel, first of all this only happens at LFS not with some other racesims.

When i am driving down a straight i cant keep my car in a right line, the car keeps swerving all over the straight. I tried a reinstall, reinstall of my wheel, calibrated it again, but nothing seems to work.

Maybe that there is someone who can help me, thanks in advance
#2 - G!NhO
isnt there some clearence in the center of the wheel?

that was a bit of the problem with mine, but then i bought a G25
Had the same problem with this wheel. I coudlnt find a solution than opening it. But I didnt understand alot of it so I bought a DFP.

Its the red one right?
Yeah its the red one, well i think i need a new wheel, opened this one already but the potmeter (dont know if this is a good english word) seems to be ok.
Quote from AbsolutMartini :Yeah its the red one, well i think i need a new wheel, opened this one already but the potmeter (dont know if this is a good english word) seems to be ok.


I fixed my Red one. It really works now. Played it on CTRA today

Im have no idea what those parts are caleld but I'll tell you in dutch.

In het stuur op het einde van het as moet je die kabel van die stuurtje eruit halen.

Dat is het kabeltje van dat ene kleine rode ding op het einde van het as (Rood vierkant bij mij). Bij mij waren die kabels allemaal doorelkaar dus ook normaal gezet. En wanneer je die ene "vierkante" rode ding er goed op z'n plaats hebt gezet hoort het stuur weer normaal te functioneren.

Ik heb gewoon LFS aangelaten en tijdens het openen gelijk getest.
Allright thanks Takumi, will give it tomorrow a try
I can take pictures tomorrow. This wheel is alot easier than DFP.

I'm gonna keep it