The online racing simulator
#1 - jto93
Drift insim simple

i want to make a simple drift insim for my team to practice on.

but it should be with buttons so no lfs Lapper.

im wondering if anyone can help me with this.. as i can't code so much.
i want it as they have it in 42D DriftWars that insim is simple (i think) and effective.

i need to know how i can get drift angle and how to show it.
plus points


can be paid with an account
You mean like my picture?

I call it "DriftMaster".

You can try it yourself by going to my server Sin'rs. Click the DriftMaster button at top of screen and follow simple instructions (yes/no).

It's done in Lapper, but there's nothing to say you can't delete most of the Lapper configuration, and just keep the small part you need.

It's set for only the driver to view if he switches it on, but it would be easy to change the code to make it public viewing - but you'd probably have to compete 1 at a time.

PS Everything in Lapper is buttons. Just some have a clear background, so looks like it's just text directly on the screen.
Attached images
#3 - jto93
Quote from sinanju :You mean like my picture?

I call it "DriftMaster".

You can try it yourself by going to my server Sin'rs. Click the DriftMaster button at top of screen and follow simple instructions (yes/no).

It's done in Lapper, but there's nothing to say you can't delete most of the Lapper configuration, and just keep the small part you need.

It's set for only the driver to view if he switches it on, but it would be easy to change the code to make it public viewing - but you'd probably have to compete 1 at a time.

PS Everything in Lapper is buttons. Just some have a clear background, so looks like it's just text directly on the screen.

that is something like im watching out for

is it possible for me to get it? you will get an account

add me on msn if you are interested [email protected]

or send me an email: [email protected]
Visit Sin'rs, do hotlaps in 3 separate type of vehicles, and you can get the code for free!

I want to tweak the display slightly - in a previous version, I showed the minimum speed required, minimum drift angle and maximum drift angle. I took these off, and last night I got asked to add back on.

Hopefully get that done in next couple of nights. Wife / kids / dog allowing.

Seriously. In the meantime, get yourself copy of LFSLapper and set up for your server. Just use the default settings of whatever is set. There is a small section (probably at the bottom of the LFSLapper.lpr configuration file for drift settings - such as min speed, drift angle, etc). Once you're happy that lapper is working, you can just cut and paste code into the config file. Opens in Notepad.

For LFSLapper, go to:
#5 - jto93
i went to your server, and drove a lap

but how can i make buttons in lapper? i can't find anything like buttons in lapper.

can u help me?

i have now driven 7-9 laps on your server, and have got PB's in separate cars
Quote :Visit Sin'rs, do hotlaps in 3 separate type of vehicles, and you can get the code for free!

If you look thru the LFSLapper.lpr file (found in, then cfg folder), you'll see lots of "openPrivButton" or "openGlobalButton" type text. This tells Lapper program to open a button. This button may be a message or a script, and may have a back colour or not. For instance, as you're racing, you may see a PB Split time come up. That's a button, with a text and script, but on clear background.

Part of my early version of my DriftMaster script was:

####### ==================================== #######
####### Large Drift Meter placed bottom left of screen #######
####### ==================================== #######
Event OnDriftScore()
openPrivButton( "ldmlogo",3,118,38,5,4,-1,16,"^1Place your text / team name, etc., here, between quotes" );
openPrivButton( "ldmtrack",3,123,38,5,5,-1,16,"^3Track: ^2" . $LongTrackName . " ^1[" . $ShortTrackName . "]" );
openPrivButton( "ldmback",2,117,40,49,4,-1,32," " );
openPrivButton( "ldmtext",3,129,38,8,4,-1,16,"^0DRIFT MASTER" ); # Black text
IF( $AngleVelocity < 0 )
openPrivButton( "ldmdrift",3,138,38,8,4,-1,16,"This Drift Score: ^7" . $LastDriftScore ); # Gray text with white score
openPrivButton( "ldmcombo",3,147,38,8,4,-1,16,"Total Combo Score: ^2" . $DriftScore ); # Gray text with green score
openPrivButton( "ldmangle",3,156,38,8,4,-1,16,"Drift Angle: ^7" . $Angle_reverse . "^2 =>" ); # Gray text with white score and green arrow
openPrivButton( "ldmdrift",3,138,38,8,4,-1,16,"This Drift Score: ^7" . $LastDriftScore ); # Gray text with white score
openPrivButton( "ldmcombo",3,147,38,8,4,-1,16,"Total Combo Score: ^3" . $DriftScore ); # Gray text with yellow score
openPrivButton( "ldmangle",3,156,38,8,4,-1,16,"Drift Angle: ^1<= ^7" . $AngleVelocity . " " ); # Gray text with white score and red arrow

Each openPrivButton (meaning only open button for current driver/spectator, rather than for all), has a button name that the Lapper program recognizes (e.g. ldmangle), then how far right on the screen, how far down the screen, how wide, how deep, text size, spacing, time (-1 means always on), and the last number is the button format (do you want a clear button or a light button or a dark button, and do you want left right or centred text. After the numbers comes what's to be displayed on screen (can be text or script, or combination of both). Text colours are the ^1 type numbers (^1 means red, ^2 green, etc).

Cut and paste above script into your lapper file and see if it works.

I'm currently making small adjustments to my DriftMaster, but once finished, will email it to you.

And thanks for racing on the Sin'rs server!

PS: The attached image (my newer DriftMaster) shows 8 separate buttons! Code above has 7.
Attached images
New improved large drift master scoreboard.bmp
#7 - jto93
Thank you! you are the best

tell me if you need any space for your downloads anytime..

regards, Jonatan
OK, I've finished updating, so here it is!

DriftMaster Version 1.0

This is for use with LFSLapper V5.714 latest.

If you do use this, then please make and keep back up copy of your original LFSLapper.lpr file.

Please read through my script, as it gives instructions and information on certain parts that you will have to look out for and to change some settings (believe it or not, but I'm not a drifter, so don't know if settings [speed/angles] are suitable).

Special thanks to GaiLuron for his lapper program, and Yisc[NL] and Tim[NL] for advice.

Very special thanks to my son who reminded me that to get a positive number, all you have to do is multiply 2 negative numbers together. And if one of these is your original negative number and you multiply by -1, then you change your original negative number to a positive. Doesn't sound much, but it had me stumped! I learned this over 30 years ago, but have never had to use it before! Without this piece of information, if you drifted car one way you would have got a proper number for the angle, but a negative number if drifted the other way.

Hope you enjoy.

REMEMBER: You use this at your own risk. I take no responsibility for anything!

Attached images
DriftMaster Ver_1_0.jpg
Attached files
DriftMaster Ver_1_0.txt - 7.1 KB - 444 views

Absolute removes the negative sign.
Quote from jto93 :Hello!

can be paid with an account

I think you should know that trading or selling accounts is forbidden by the LFS Agreement you agreed to when you signed up. :bananadea
ops yeye, im not going to sell or trade my other account anyway.
Quote from JasonJ :ABS()

Absolute removes the negative sign.

Is the ABS() function recognized by LFSLapper?

PS Didn't learn about ABS at school!
Well I saw this...
Quote :

and assumed it was capable of mathematics... but idk tbh.
Quote from teedot :I think you should know that trading or selling accounts is forbidden by the LFS Agreement you agreed to when you signed up.

I hereby promise that no money, goods or services have changed hands!

I was asked by someone a while ago if I could do such a thing (we originally called it a Drift Meter), and out of curiosity, I played around with it.

The code for the new DriftMaster is now freely available (posted above), and people are free to use, abuse, reverse engineer or ignore as they may see fit!
i was just stating that for his information, thats all
Quote from teedot :i was just stating that for his information, thats all

I think he was gonna pay sinanju with a new LFS (voucher?) instead of trading his own.