Hi everyone, hi scawen,
It is his decision. We have no employment contract with him as most people have for their work. So we have to accept that.
I think everyone understands the need for a bigger house etc. (congrats to that btw. and have fun with your familiy in it) And nearly everyone who moved has some bad experiences with internet providers.
But as you said the lack of broadband internet wasn't a big problem. It doesn't affect programming itself very much, just the upload time for patches.
Most people who work and moved into a new house just before christmas would use their christmas holiday to start unpacking and do some things.
A lot of people (if not most) would start working again early in january and finish their house after work everyday.
Many people would take one additional week of vacation into january to finish the most important things and then start to work again.
A few people would perhabs take a second week of vacation. This would be 1,5 weeks of december and 2 weeks of january ... so nearly the vacation of one year for a usual employee. No more holiday for the year.
Ok. This was the plan. Start working again "full time" mid january.
But this just didn't happen. Not even Z11 with some small fixes in the meantime (15 days). By end of january we would have had at least a few more test patches if not the final patch. You don't have to leave the house for work. Just 1 or 2 hours a day at computer and then doing the house?
Ok then. 2 aditional weeks to end of january. Not enough.
Mid february then.
1,5 weeks in december + 4,5 weeks in january + 2 weeks in february = 8 weeks AFTER beeing in the new house with all the packages.
This is not intended as an offense. I like LFS a lot and I think it is a great piece of work for one programmer. So thanks again Scawen.
I fully understand the need for a new house and I believe the broadband problems which are really funny to read about, but nearly irrelevant for work.
But this is not the same attitude towards work than 99,9% of working people have towards their work. They can't take weeks and weeks of vacation for child, kitchen, moving etc.
Again ... no offense intended, just an observation that your attitude is a lot different. And nobody can demand more.
But i think it is quite ok to be dissapointed especially if it said "early in the next year" at 19th of december on front page. It seemed that there isn't THAT much of bugs and features left. Enough to be to late for christmas, enough for a week or two propably. But early next year would be to mid january, not march propably.
Obersaviaton: quite another attitude towards work ... your decision and really quite obvious and nothing new
Nobody can demand more. No employment contract.
Improvement suggestion next time: just drop a line at the forum - development will be continued in 1 or 2 month. No need for personal explanations. That doesn't really concern us, even if a lot of people want to hear it and it is really nice of you to share the reasons.
But people who waited a lot for scirocco wouldn't have been that disappointed after postpone before christmas.
Just my 2 cents. Keep up the good work mid february

I really hope for a lot more than the scirocco (2008

) this year.
EDIT: btw. I program myself for university and often had similar conditions. Having to finish some piece of software at home in the next two month. I know how it can be a pain in the ass to motivate yourself. Getting at the computer to continue programming can be quite hard if a lot of things wait for you that are quite more important or more fun.
But my person in charge would have kicked my ass if I said I had to move and therefore couldn't work at it for 8 weeks

So I hadn't the luxury of saying ... hmm wait till I want to continue. And I even didn't get any money for that