Just a quick update on various Diesel fuels.
So I guess I've done 4 or 5 tankfuls since my last post - about 2000 miles maybe? Anyway, I haven't got the exact figures to hand but I've found that Esso Diesel has been the most economical fuel for me, returning 435 (62 MPG) and 455 (65 MPG) miles respectively from 2 x 31.5 litre fill-ups.
The reasons I think for the difference are varied. The two that come to mind are that the 455 miles were done in the dry and with me REALLY trying to drive economical - very steady 60 MPH on motorway/A-roads and 1500-2000 RPM cruising to the speed limit in built-up areas. Also I tried drafting lorries! - although it definitely helps economy, I can't see anything but the back of the lorry, and the lorry can't see me. So far too dangerous and a bit stupid on my part to be honest. The 435 mile tank was done in the wet with a air-flow meter problem
now fixed, so not surprisingly economy was nto as good.
The other tanks were done on Texaco Diesel which was defnitely rubbish (54 MPG!), Total (Rubbish again 56 MPG). And the current tank is full of Tesco Diesel, which is actually pretty good (60 MPG average) considering I'm no longer trying to drive economically.
I know someone who's a chemical engineer for an American oil company at a British refinery - the only companies in the UK who you can be sure sell diesel produced at their own refinieries are Shell and BP. I'll keep going with Esso for a while to get a good measure of consistency, I'm guessing they get their diesel from the same supplier again and again which would explain similar economy.
One other thing that has been suggested to me is to only fill to half a tankful. For me (Fiat Panda Diesel), this means a saving of 17.5 KGs. Obviously for larger cars, you could be saving 30-40 KGs! Definitely worth considering doing this if you pass the filling station on your trip home / to work / wherever.