The online racing simulator
ZoneAlarm's latest update is CRAP
(31 posts, started )
#26 - wien
Quote from danthebangerboy :Get a PC, delete all the firewall and antivirus products off it, connect it to the internet, then see how long it takes before it is totally f--ked.

Okay, done that. Now what?
Quote from danthebangerboy :then see how long it takes before it is totally f--ked. It won't take long.

~10 years and counting (not hiding behind nat either) ... tell me your email addess so i can drop you a line in 20 years or so when something exciting happens (not likely)

I was just going by what i read on the internet..

Quote : question

Am I safe without an anti-virus program and firewall?

I've got Windows XP, and I don't have either. As long as I use the latest version of Firefox with AdBlock, avoid suspicious sites, and do an anti-spyware scan once a week, am I safe?

Quote : Reply

Nope.. your wide open.

These two programs are needed nowadays to have the real feeling of a safe computer. The medium level of hackers can go into computers like that and the user wouldnt even know they were there.

I very strongly suggest purchasing an antivirus (my choice is Norton Antivirus 2007) and a firewall... a great choice for that would be ZoneAlarm Pro. You can find ZoneAlarm at

I was just under the impression that this kind of stuff is needed.

I also read somewhere before (can't find it again now) a document that a so called expert wrote.

I can't remember the exact wording, but it went something like....

Have you ever watched the internet traffic on a computer with an unsecure connection to the internet? If you have, then the results are very frightening indeed, as there can be hundreds of attempts per minute to route packets of data between various IP addresses accross the web, using your machine as a server, which is very dangerous, not to mention a resource hog, as your connection would be so busy dealing with routing packets, that it would barely be able to do anything else.

This may be totally wrong, but i would still rather be safe than sorry.
Quote from danthebangerboy :I very strongly suggest purchasing an antivirus (my choice is Norton Antivirus 2007) and a firewall... a great choice for that would be ZoneAlarm Pro. You can find ZoneAlarm at

great lets suggest the worst av software of all and a firewall which apparently has some issues too
all mcaffee at work ever does for me is kill off one of my core when im trying to run simulations on it

Quote :Have you ever watched the internet traffic on a computer with an unsecure connection to the internet? If you have, then the results are very frightening indeed, as there can be hundreds of attempts per minute to route packets of data between various IP addresses accross the web, using your machine as a server, which is very dangerous, not to mention a resource hog, as your connection would be so busy dealing with routing packets, that it would barely be able to do anything else.

yeah clearly al quaida is contantly routing pictures of 72 virgins through my connection
Attached images
As i said mate, i only went by what i read there. Plus i agree, norton is shite!
Quote from Shotglass :

yeah clearly al quaida is contantly routing pictures of 72 virgins through my connection


ZoneAlarm's latest update is CRAP
(31 posts, started )