The online racing simulator
Surfer dude is the new Einstein
(8 posts, started )
Surfer dude is the new Einstein
This story's about 18 months old now (way to keep up with current events, Daily Telegraph ) but I'm really interested to see if this guy's theories get anywhere.
Quote from Crashgate3 :This story's about 18 months old now (way to keep up with current events, Daily Telegraph )

Well it's not like it's "news" on the Daily Telegraph site either

Quote :Last Updated: 11:27PM GMT 10 Nov 2008

And the article was first posted in November 2007.

It's just StableX who's digging up old stuff
Bit old but cool.. sort of like a slightly less crazy than Lerts-a-like.
new to me
It's new to me too, and definately worth a read Just for laughs.
new here too, quite an interesting read tbh

Surfer dude is the new Einstein
(8 posts, started )