Skin Request - Williams Renault FW14B (1992)
I'd like a skin for the F08 and the F0X based on the 1992 Williams Renault raced by Nigel Mansel. You can see it here - here and here for starters. Unfortunately I have no idea how to make my own. Is their a telented skinner out there with some spare time on their hands...
Bump. 61 views and 0 replies. Perhaps I need to do this myself. Are there any tutorials about the place...
The best way is to get paint shop pro, some templates (I think they are still on RSC's forum, in the skins section), and just draw. Getting the basic colours right, and in the right places is the first thing. Once that's done, add the logos. has a good selection of logos.

It's best to work with layers, that way you can easily adjust the skin, rather than ruin it in one accidental spurt. PNG files and PSPimage files I find are best.
this it? it is not by me!
Attached images
Pretty much, but its for the FOX not the FO8. Sorry for slow reply - been away all week...