My credit rating still sucks from my younger days so I cannot get personel credit even now. My wife on the other hand who has not needed to work for the last 15 years gets any credit she wants, very strange.
I did a couple of years ago get a £25k overdraft on my business account in order to buy a used E46 M3. For the first couple of weeks I thought it was great, but after that it just became like any other car and was only used when I needed to go anywhere, so it was sold for almost what I payed for it.
If you are going to get credit for a car i would recommend getting a car that is 3 yrs old so most of the depresation has already happened.
I find the wanting, searching out and drooling over a car far better than the reality of owning one TBH.
Now a days even though I could probably afford a decent car I have currently an old soft topMG-f hairdressers car that is in the garage because the weather here is shite and a 2001 Ford Focus 1.6, both bought from the motor auctions for sweeties
God I am getting sadder by age
Edit: Oh does iRacing count as a monthly car outgoing before I vote?