The online racing simulator
Quote from Tweaker : Articles could very well never be 100% correct information.

This is so true. I bought rFactor based in some part to the gushing review in ASS, especially as they did not release a demo of the full release of rFactor. Autosimsport still talk about rFactor, GTR and GTL as if the physics are actually pretty good illepall so I hope their review of the nKP beta is actually slightly more realistic. It certainly sounds very impressive, but so did rF....
Quote from mkinnov8 :Moving Off Topic for a second, can anyone provide some more details on this? as in Why?


I've been in talks with FILSCA but they didn't gave me the impression they really wanted us.
... pls delete this ...
As the article in ASS said it was not a review about nkpro. Though it felt more like advertisement than a "my first experiences with nkpro" thing...

With racing simulations one thing is so sure. You can never rely on anyone's opinion about is the product good or not. Your friend may think it's the best piece of programming ever seen day light and once you try it's the worst piece of shi* you have ever seen