The online racing simulator
comparing drifting in various games
(27 posts, started )
Quote from theirishnoob :

im just stick of all this fanboy b.s that " lfs is the most realistic simulator... blah blah blah...

since april 2007, they added... 2 cars ?? ( soon 3 ?? ) no weather effects, sure the cars handle somewhat better but still theirs 101 glitchs to configure, then when they do that you still have to rig you car for sliding and with the constant veriables that they dont have the man power to code...

theirs a better chance of a economic recovery before this game gets propperly realicitic.

Ok, so LFS is not the most realistic simulator, most know that.
LFS has had no new content (has nothing to do with how real it is).
LFS has no weather effects (nothing to do with simulating it since we don't have it).
LFS does still have flaws in tire physics
LFS still has collision physics bad.
LFS still has problems with netcode.
LFS does have alot of glitches, most are known.

LFS does have the best multiplayer for the money.
LFS is the best for league racing.
And many other things...

If you stopped looking like a retard like said above you could actually make a valid point, but instead you want to express yourself with an IQ less than 10 so you can start crap with others instead of sit in front of your PC and do nothing.
Quote from theirishnoob :insert irrelevant bs here

well, you managed to explain 3 points, you're sh*t at driving IRL, you're sh*t at sliding a stock set in LFS, and you're sh*t at explaining your points...

Let's recap on your post, shall we?

"since april 2007, they added... 2 cars ?? ( soon 3 ?? )"
as we all know, a simulator is a game with lot's of cars

"101 glitchs to configure"
Well, the glitches are not configured, they are fixed, that's for starters, secondly, show me a glitch free software and you can have a cookie, and once again, as we all know a sim is software with no glitches... like MS Calculator...

then when they do that you still have to rig you car for sliding
Well, 1 point being "you can perfectly slide a stock set" and "Drift cars IRL are usually modified and set up to go sideways properly"

also if you haven't noticed, drifting at 80 mph in LFS also can end up going "arseways", just like in real life, and drifitng at 20 mph is easier in LFS, just like in real life... and also not everyone can do a drift in LFS going over 80 mph...

Now, seeing you don't read any of the posts that are adressed to you (judging by your replies to these posts) I'll just type this in for no apparent reason... "THINK with your brain before stating something, since EACH post of yours is entirely made of random bs, unproven facts, and statements that can be destroyed by simple logic"

comparing drifting in various games
(27 posts, started )