X360 Gamer Profile Pics - appear on HDD but can't select them for profile?
Hi all. I've found something strange about the X360. I had a look in the memory section of the dashboard to have a look to see whats on the HDD.

Anyway, I had a look in the Gamer Profile pics folder and found quite a lot more icons than to what is available to me when selecting one for my profile. Its no biggie really, I don't really care what logo I have but this just seemed strange.
Maybe they added some new ones, or there are ones that you have and there are others you may have to purchase.
Sounds a little odd. Are you sure it's not just because they hadn't loaded yet when you're choosing them for your profile? The other option is that you haven't unlocked them yet. I know that the recent XBLA voting unlocks a new one, but no idea when it downloads it. I guess it's possible that some games do the same and you unlock them as you play.

From the subject of the thread I thought it was just that you hadn't worked out that there are two profile picture options - one public one and another personal/friend one. But the post doesn't sound like it so I dunno.
Well, the thought that I may have to have the game associated with the profile pics did cross my mind (i.e.: have to own Halo to unlock the Halo profile pics) but I'm not entirely sure on this one either because I have PGR4 and I noticed that there is a PGR4 profile pic (which is simply just a 4) and I wasn't able to select but then again, I'm thinking that it could be the million kudos profile pic which I haven't achieved.

If any of you guys have achieved the million kudos, can you tell me if the PGR4 "4" becomes available.

If it is related to some sort of unlocking system, then, all I can say to Microsoft is to Grow Up!

@Dajmin: whats this about public and personal profile pics?
Its ok actually, I mustn't have been looking properly. I calculated that I actually have 63 to select and 50 in the folder. I'm assuming that the remaining 13 are part of the actual OS. The PGR4 logo still isn't available so I'll try and save up my kudos to see if I get it.

1,000,000 Kudos here I come!
Waste of 1,000,000 Kudos IMO. Get the decent car packs first and then buy the Nurburgring.. (I think you had to buy that.. )
Oh don't worry, I'm 5th in the rankings now so have bought most of the car packs, got the Nurburgring and the short and long tracks.