The online racing simulator
What [car] to buy?
(38 posts, started )
Quote from Töki (HUN) :What the hell? Driving a car without having a license is quite dangerous. Oh yes "I can drive a car well without license" - bullshit.

it was meant sarcastic
Quote from dawesdust_12 :yeah, but you're an unhonest **** for ripping someone off like that.

Wait, with your past posts, I wouldn't put ripping people off past you, along with stealing candy from children and pushing old ladies down stairs.

how is it ??

i buy a pc... 250 quid, worth 750.

use it for a year then sell it for 250... thats robbbery right ??

Shush up you bumbling idiot... honestly...

This is why i dont get on with people with an IQ comparable to that of a potato
You don't get on with yourself?

Based upon your calulations, you sell a PC that would have cost £750 for £250, so that's 33%. :o
shoulda sold it for £300
Quote from theirishnoob :
This is why i dont get on with people with an IQ comparable to that of a potato

Yeah, it's too bad that the people with IQ's comparable to a potato are smarter than you. Really makes you literally dumb as dirt.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :What the hell? Driving a car without having a license is quite dangerous. Oh yes "I can drive a car well without license" - bullshit.

u can be the best driver on the planet but not having a license, it is not license that make u a good driver.
Quote from floodan :u can be the best driver on the planet but not having a license, it is not license that make u a good driver.

Of course, but I meant Hazaky.
(speedway) DELETED by speedway
Quote from speedway a good driver someone who gets around corners the quickest and has great car control,
or is it someone who understands the potential danger of handling a 3ton weapon and does his very best to not hurt/kill anyone

Both is the best variant. But if I had to choose, I'd choose last option.
Quote from speedway :how do you define "good" when talking about driving?

is a good driver someone who gets around corners the quickest and has great car control,
or is it someone who understands the potential danger of handling a 3ton weapon and does his very best to not hurt/kill anyone

I believe real skill is the saftey and perception side of things. It's much easier to learn to drive quickly than it is to become aware and safe.
#36 - Jakg
Driving a car = Easy.

Most people on this forum could do it.

Driving a car on the road, observing all the rules and regulations etc is the hard bit, and why you need to have a license to prove your competancy.
To be frank, the current British Driving Licence does not test you on real world stuff, most of the test is done at 30mph! You still have to shuffle the wheel for christ sakes!
#38 - Jakg
Quote from S14 DRIFT :To be frank, the current British Driving Licence does not test you on real world stuff, most of the test is done at 30mph! You still have to shuffle the wheel for christ sakes!

I'm not saying anyone who passes the test is instantly the worlds most amazing driver, but anyone who has had NO formal tuition at all is... dangerous on the road to say the least.

If you don't understand things like roundabout lane disciplines, it's gonna get ugly.

EDIT - The test checks that you are competent to drive - it's limited to what you can get done in 45 mins, but if it was that rubbish then surely everyone would pass straight away...

What [car] to buy?
(38 posts, started )