Imo thats a bit to harsh, there did happen some things wich were just wrong but not looking at that there was some great racing aswell,
just thinking about the last lap of race 2, going 4 wide into the right hander after the straight and nobody crashing only 'touring car' so a bit door kissing and that was it.
for myself quali was quite unlucky with the 38kg i was happy with the 12.29 but in my last lap i was 0.07 under that at s1 until thommy disided to throw some tires onto the track in the right hander after the straight onto the racing line and i grabbed it and lost all my speed ( he even came out of the pit and the time was already over.... )
Race 1
good start nice slipstreaming until rik went for a visit how it was to be with the nose to the pack but he turned into the field grabbing me, ended up with huge damage on the engine cuss i shifted to 1st gear after the hit and that was still to early

Race 2
Oke the challange how to get asap to the front, went all well had some nice slipstreaming bumpdrafts, and with this SC in the last few laps and giving us a 1 lap shootout in the end even made me grab p3 in the end, was quite happy with that

Race 3
Starting on p4 i could grab p3 onto the back straight and was there quite a while, dont remember everything correct since there were so much SC, only know that in the end i didnt had a change to fight to dennis, i missed some acceleration out of short turns and his car being 18kg lighter didnt help me aswell

In the end the event ended up quite well for me, loosing only 2 points to nolan even after the bad luck in race 1

Realy hope that ppl leanr what no chat is next race becaus its just so freaking anoying while racing.....

Cu in south city